First up is this "One Lovely Blog Award" from The Know-It-All. I want to thank her very much for choosing me. As I've received this award previously, I'm not going to be posting up the rules and following them but I did want to mention a huge thanks for passing it on to me!

Next up is the Summer Blogger Award passed on to me by the wonderful Danielle at Every Last Page. Ever since she found me (I believe this is correct), we've had a blast chatting back and forth and I love her posts! I wanted to thank her from the bottom of my heart for thinking of me.
I'd also like to give a shout-out to Tina from Book Couture for putting me on her sidebar and for writing awesome posts. If it wasn't for her, I'd have never learned how to insert tabs/pages on the top of my blog!
Thanks guys!
Congrats for the awards!! :)