I like fantasy books and movies. I like getting lost in worlds I've never been in, meeting characters that can do fantastical things, magic, explosions, a place where people aren't always being watched by the every day things that we are forced into like school and work. I like imaging that just beyond the next tree in long forgotten woods is the entrance to a magical world, that the next store shop is covering up the entrance to a quaint little alley of wizarding supplies, that beyond the next mountain range hides a village of little folk living in the mountain bases.
So naturally, when I decided to write, I wrote about the own worlds in my head. I made up fantasy stories about ordinary people doing incredible things and about shimmering magic and horses and everything in between.
But as I start to plot out my next novel, I realize that I've also been hiding behind all of the big fight scenes, the swords and the magic because I've been scared. Scared that I won't measure up when I start writing about the real world.

See, the next novel I want to write is a YA contemporary. I have a cast of characters that have been with me for four years and all this time, they've been getting stronger. Plus, I work at a police department so I've been picking up on a lot of things about drug informants and I think it is all so fascinating.
What I'm saying is I'm going to stretch my legs and try writing out of my comfort zone and I can't wait to see what I discover. I still have more fantasy novel ideas. I'm not at all done with them. But for now, I want to try something new.
If your struggling or scared of an idea you've had, maybe you should try it too. Anyone have any tips for taking on your writing fears?