I've got one of these under my belt but I'm still not super confident about fantasy casting, especially since this one is so lyrical, it's hard for me to imagine who would play these characters. Here's giving it the old college try though!
Janie- This is such a difficult character to cast. Janie's incredible intelligent but rough around the edges. I feel like an actress is needed to play her and not some pretty face. Luckily I've found one that has both!
Cabel- Smart, aloof, sweet and has a bad past. You need someone with the right brooding attitude to play the mysterious Cabel.
Carrie- Janie's best friend who has the best intentions but like Janie, is a little rough around the edges. Carrie goes from acting a bit childish to very serious quite often but is there when Janie needs her.
Stu- Carrie's 21 (I believe that's his age) old boyfriend. He struck me as the classic underachiever and a bit slow.
Ms. Hannagan- Janie's mom is one of the best characters in the novel simply for her absence. Constantly drunk and inattentive, the first time she speaks to Janie is about halfway through the novel and she proves that she cares, she just isn't sober enough to show it.
What do you think of my choices?
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