Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday- Fall TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week, they post a subject and the goal is to answer the question with your top ten picks. Once you've done it, link back to The Broke and the Bookish and check out what other bloggers have to say!
Top Ten Fall TBR List
This is a great one because my TBR pile is out of this world large. Take a peek at the books that I absolutely need to read for me.

1) Defiance by CJ Redwine- Not only have I heard amazing things from everyone about this book but I've also got several copies of it. I need to find the time to read this one and I'm pretty sure it'll be next.

2) Throne of Glass by Sara J Maas- I've been dying for a good fantasy and since everyone has been loving this one, I know I will too!

3) Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo- This one got a rave review by KM over at One Page At A Time YA Reviews and since we have very simialr tastes, I'm betting I'm going to love this one. Plus, I love a good baddie and apparently this has a good one!

4) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green- Literally everyone that has read this book has loved it. When I'm in the mood for a good tearjerker, I'll pick this one up.

5) Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer- I loved Nightshade so much and am dying to continue this series. I need to know who Calla ends up with!

6) The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern- I love the concept of this one and even though it's an adult novel, I need it. It's been recommended by authors and bloggers alike.

7) Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Maragret Stohl- I've met the authors, my good friend loves this book and it is being turned into a movie. Why haven't I gotten to this one yet?

8) Passion by Lauren Kate- I've read the first two books in this series. I'd really love to continue on even though I'm pretty sure Cam is going to get his heart broken.

9) Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick- The last book totally ended on an AWFUL cliffhanger. Patch was knocked out. What the heck is going to happen to them? This is another series I'm dying to continue.

10) The Diviners by Libba Bray- Bray is one of my favorite YA authors. This book hasn't even been released yet I'm dying to add it to my pile. Plus, I love that she's gone back to her roots and written a period piece. Roaring 20's, here I come!
These are the books I just have to get to this fall. Which ones made your list?


  1. TFIOS is definitely a must read. I'm always shoving that book at people and demanding they read it. John Green is too brilliant of an author to not read his books. Throne of Glass is also fantastic. Most of the other books are also on my never ending and always too big tbr list as well.

    1. Yeah, I have John Green's book on my shelf. I just really need to get around to it!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who still hasn't read Wolfsbane ;) Great list!

    1. You definitely aren't which stinks since I loved Nightshade. I totally need to get to it already!

  3. So many of these are on my mental list! I did ones that aren't out yet but you have a great selection!

    1. Yeah, I figured I'd look mostly at ones I already had since that list is huge for me.

  4. Some of them are in my wishlist as well, like Throne of Glass, TFIOS, Shadow and Bone. Defiance is on the way and I hope I can get it this month, I really can't wait to read it too.
    I've read Beautiful Creatures and really love it. I think you have to read it because it's unique and beautiful.

    Great list! Thank you for sharing =$29

  5. Gah! You TOTALLY have to read Defiance and Throne of Glass. Those two are like my best 2012 read yet! :D

    Fara @ Tumbling In Books

  6. Defiance & Shadow & Bone are both super high on my TBR--I LOVED Throne of Glass

  7. The Fault in Our Stars! That is one one my all-time favorite novels! I hope you like it, and have plenty of tissues on hand. I really should read Throne of Glass this fall, and I really hope I can. Great list! :)

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  8. You're definitely in a high fantasy mood, I see. :) THRONE OF GLASS is sooooo good! And SHADOW & BONES does have like, the best bad guy ever. I'm also super, super excited about THE DIVINERS. Eeeppp!!! Libba Bray! :)

  9. Everyone seems to love Throne of Glass so I'm glad to hear you're loving it too!

    To bad that you didn't like Passion. I hope I do because I also love that series!

  10. I saw the author of Defiance and of 'Throne of Glass' at a recent book festival..and it really made me want to read both of those books..the author of Defiance was really funny!


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