Thursday, September 20, 2012

Beautiful Creatures Movie Trailer

For those of you who haven't seen it, the Beautiful Creatures movie trailer was released today and it looks a little bit epic. I've been meaning to read this series (heck, I have all three) but now it looks like I'm going to have to step it up into high gear. What I love is that they seemed to capture the moody and dark setting and I'm already addicted.

Check out this movie poster which totally makes me want to dive in now:

This movie has got a killer cast with Emmy Rossum, Viola Davis and Emma Thompson. I also love that the two leads are unknowns. Check out the trailer and I defy you to tell me you aren't sold:

What do you guys think?


  1. Pretty sure I freaked out when I watched this trailer for the first time. Like, no joke. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the first one, and it's very atmospheric. And the trailer seems to imply that the movie will be too. Gah, it just looks SO. GOOD. And Alden, the boy that plays Ethan is ADORABLE! Eeeeppp!!! I'm so excited! :D

  2. Oh! It looks good! Is it weird that my biggest takeaway was that I'm happy they have southern accents? lol

  3. Wow Thanks for sharing! I hadn't seen it yet. It is how I pictured it. Can't wait!!

  4. Ahhhh! Looks so good! I need to start this series! Thanks for sharing!

    Sangita @ Whisper of Reads.

  5. Now that this trailer is out I have to get my hands on these books pronto!


  6. I can't wait for this! I wish Mortal Instruments would jump start production like Beautiful Creatures :)

    I'm looking forward to both adaption :)


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