Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cover Alert: Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Today, the final book's cover in the Chemical Garden Trilogy has been released onto the web. Check out Sever and tell me what you think.

This is a fascinating choice. I'm not at all sure what to think of it. For some reason, the green background really threw me off. I like that it keeps the same elements of the last two covers and that it has lines to the bird and ring. I'm also glad to see that the bird has escaped it's cage. I'm not sure if this cover is as beautiful as the last two though. I think it might have something to do with the color of green. It looks like a green screen to me and after the rich deep blue of the first book, I think I'd like something darker.

Here are the covers together:

What do you think?


  1. I completely agree with you. The green is striking and not as eye-appealing as the last covers. I like that it sticks with the same theme and is all high fashion. But that green is really fake looking. Hmm. I hope it looks better actually on the physical cover.

  2. I hate to admit this, but I personally think the cover art has gone downhill for this series after the first. Wither's art made me want to read more about the book and was the reason I picked it up. Frankly, books 2 and 3 really seem to deteriorate with the design. I feel bad saying that, but yes, the green is also really... out there. And the models on the cover become skinnier and less healthy looking.

  3. In my opinion, the contrast between the green background and the orange text is not strong enough. It's hard to read what it is saying, and it kinda glares at least from my monitor. I loved the first two covers. I really like the girl, the apples, the bird, etc. But the green and orange contrast for background and text doesn't work for me.


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