Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday- Auto Buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week, they post a subject and the goal is to answer the question with your top ten picks. Once you've done it, link back to The Broke and the Bookish and check out what other bloggers have to say!
Top Ten Tuesday Auto-Buy Authors
I'm much pickier about this than I thought. While I would most definitely auto-buy books I loved from a series, I'm much more reluctant to buy books from a new series. For me, a lot of authors have to start all over again and earn my trust. That being said, here are the authors I'd buy anything from in no order.

1) Libba Bray (A Great and Terrible Beauty)- She has proven over and over again that I can trust her with taking me on an amazing adventure. Whether she is throwing me knee-deep in an historical piece or making me laugh until I cry, she has always delivered for me and I will always by her stuff (and stuff).

2) Veronica Roth (Divergent)- I was blown away with my love of this book. With Tris's amazing strength and likable personality. Because I fell so hard for the world she created and I believe in her writing, I'll buy anything Ms. Roth throws at me.

3) Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games)- I know a lot of people weren't fans of the last book but I believe she had major guts to take it where she did. The three books in The Hunger Games series never ceased to surprise me and made me hold my breath the entire time I was reading them. Auto-buy for me.

4) Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me)- This is a huge leap for me. I haven't actually read anything but the first book (though I have and want to read the second). It's purely about the beauty of Mafi's writing that will keep me coming back. She shocks me with her prose. I sit up and want to lock away each sentence so that it becomes a part of me.

5) Michelle Hodkin (The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer)- I love the Mara Dyer series because it is creepy and I can never tell what is real and what is going on in her head. That's a perfect blend for me and oh-so-hard to achieve from a writing standpoint.

6) Maggie Stiefvater (Shiver)- Stiefvater is one of those YA authors I've been reading from the beginning. She brought me into YA and I've stuck with her. Though I haven't read all of her books, I have them all and each of them look interesting in a surprising way.

7) Kimberly Derting (The Body Finder)-It's pretty difficult to keep a character fresh while keeping their same likability for four books. I've read three so far and I'm still so in love with her characters and her world. It'll definitely keep me coming back for future reads.

8) Maria V Snyder (Poison Study)- Before the Poison Study series was in YA, it was in fantasy. I stumbled across it in fantasy and loved every last drop. I went to the book store frequently to see if the next book was out (back before I had a clue I could look up release dates online) and freaked out when I finally found the second and third book on shelves. Because of her beautiful world and kick ass characters, I'll always keep coming back for more.

Which authors made your list?


  1. HOW DID I NOT INCLUDE TAHEREH MAFI IN MY LIST?! Gah, I love her books so much, especially UNRAVEL ME. *swoon*

    Maggie Stiefvater's on my list too, especially considering that I've actually bought books just because she wrote them...even though I've only read 3 of her many titles. o_0

  2. 2, 3, 6 and 8! YES! I REALLY need to get to reading my copy of The unbecoming of mara dyer..that book's been sitting on my shelf for over a year now. oopsies.


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