Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books To Read in 2013

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week, they post a subject and the goal is to answer the question with your top ten picks. Once you've done it, link back to The Broke and the Bookish and check out what other bloggers have to say!
Top Ten Books To Read in 2013
I was thinking about doing books in my reading pile but then I decided it would be loads more fun to do 2013 releases. So here are 10 releases that I must read this year!

1) Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi- I loved Shatter Me so this is pretty high up on my must read now pile. I can't wait to find out what happens to all my favorite characters and dive back into Mafi's beautiful writing
2) Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi- This is another sequel to a book I fall in love with in 2012. The writing and world Rossi created is so vivid and I love that the story was told in both perspectives.

3) Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff- Yovanoff writes such dark, slightly off things. It's like reading a book from Tim Burton's head. This one will be no exception and I can't wait!

4) Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger- I love that this novel is where the girl is the protector and supernatural creature. It doesn't sound like any other paranormal I've heard of and therefore has me drooling. Plus, have you looked at that cover?

5) Everbound by Brodi Ashton- Another sequel! This is a retelling of Greek mythology which I love and the first one really gave me a run for my money. I can't wait to see what is to become of poor sweet Jack.

6) Just One Day by Gayle Forman- It's Gayle freakin' Forman. Need I say more? Alright, well if I did say more it would be that all of her books are beautifully written and wildly engrossing and this one won't be anything less.
7) Nameless by Lili St. Crow- Hello, gorgeous cover! Plus, this is a retelling of Snow White and looks so wildly imaginative. It's one world I can't wait to dive into!

8) Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke-It looks so unique and strange that I can't help but be in love. Could this guy the main character is falling for actually be the Devil? And if so, what does he want with the main character? Love that it is a gothic horror.

9) Asunder by Jodi Meadows- Yet another sequel and one I am equally excited to read. I fell in love with Sam and Ana in the first novel and can't wait to see where their journey is going to take them!

10) Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsey- Yay! A retelling of Annabel Lee, my most favorite Poe poem ever? I love that poem because it is the first thing to ever truly disturb me. I can't wait to see what wonderful things Lindsey is going to do with it and I know thanks to her last book that it is in good hands!

What are you reading in 2013, either old or new!


  1. GAYLE FORMAN!!!! I'm totally with you on this one. Also, sorry about asking you via Twitter if you'd read UNRAVEL ME yet - I thought you'd gotten an ARC. But I just want to assure you that it is INSANELY AMAZING AND YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!! :D

  2. Woah! It's like you're a mind reader! I have all these either on my list or my TBR Pile except for 6-9!

  3. All of these are on my list too! I actually just read Nameless and its definitely a good one! The #1 I'm waiting on is Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea! The cover is GORGEOUS and the premise and dark and creepy!

    Nikki H @ Take Me Away...

  4. Ooh, this is a great list of books! I seriously can not WAIT to read Through the Ever Night. I fell in love with Under the Never Sky, and I've heard the sequel is even better. I haven't heard of Nameless before, but if it's a snow white retelling, it's absolutely going on my list! I mean, how often have you heard of a Snow White retelling?! And I agree, that cover is really pretty. ;) Same goes for Asunder! Another gorgeous cover, and I can't wait to see what Jodi Meadows has in store for us with that sequel.

    Fantastic picks Amber! I hope all of these turn out amazing. Happy New Year! <3

  5. I absolutely can't wait for Unravel Me!!!!! I'm also excited for Nameless, I really enjoyed Lili St. Crow's other YA series - Strange Angels.

  6. I've seen lots of bloggers raving about Just One Day! And The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea sounds kinda creepy and different (and has an awesome cover). Hope you enjoy these books, Amber!

  7. Love your list! I also want to read most of these, especially Through the Ever Night! SOO many pretty covers above! I hadn't heard of a couple of these, but am glad I have now. Happy reading :)

    My TTT: http://nightmareonbookstreet.blogspot.com/2013/01/top-ten-tuesday-i-totally-resolve-these.html

  8. You have some awesome looking books on your list - I'm sure 2013 will be a great reading year. I'm really looking forward to Paper Valentines!!!

    My Top Ten Books I Resolve to Read in 2013.

  9. Amazing new books coming in 2013! I'm so far behind in my reading that I haven't read book one on many series yet. Some of these are in my TBR list as well.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Unravel Me was even better than Shatter Me! Looking forward to Let the Sky Fall among others. Great list!


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