Sunday, January 20, 2013

In My Mailbox 106

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

Brought from the bookstore:
From an event:
That it for me this week! I was super happy to find an early copy of The Archived at my bookstore. Made me feel sneaky like I was carrying illegal contraband. 

What did you get in your mailbox?


  1. Nice haul of books darling. I liked The Archived. Everbound was very good. Also so happy that you got The Indigo Spell. Can't wait to read your thoughts on these three books.


  2. The archived sounds really good and after loving Everneath not so long ago, I can't wait to read Everbound. Happy reading!


  3. OH, I love when bookstores have the books out early! :D I'm going out to day to see if anyone has Boundless out yet! Archived looks really good, I'm hoping to read it soon. Great haul, Amber!

  4. I have heard amazing things about The Archived. I'm pretty excited about that book. I hope you enjoy it, and all your other books.

    Happy Reading.

    Sara @ Just Another Story

  5. You got The Archived early! So jealous! I preordered mine, so it should be here in a few days. I hope you love it :)

    I really need to get to Everneath. I hadn't heard anything about it, so I gave away my copy, and then BOOM tons and tons of positive reviews came in for it. I hope Everboud lives up to your expectations!

    My Book Haul

  6. I love Richelle Mead! I haven't read her Bloodlines books yet, but hopefully I can soon! I hope you enjoy all you got :)

    Here's my STS!

  7. I recently bought a copy of Everneath so I'm really excited to start reading Brodi's series. The Archived sounds really amazing! I hope you enjoy all of your books. :D
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  8. WHAT!
    Shouldn't it be illegal to be so lucky!! T_T
    -dark dark envy aura-
    Happy Reading!
    Here's my STS if you'd like to drop by :D

  9. I've heard really good things about The Archived! I hope to read it really soon. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week :)

  10. AHHH!!! THE ARCHIVED!!! I can't wait to read that book! I hope it's as awesome as it sounds :)


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