Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Discussions: Paper vs. Screen

So I've been re-accessing my thoughts on e-readers and deciding if it is worth getting a Nook and entering the land of e-readers.

My friend just got a shiny new Nook for her birthday. Did I mention it's shiny and puts millions of books at the tips of her fingers? Did I also mentioning that you can get lost in Etsy exploring beautiful covers for said Nook and/or Kindle? I really like the way the Nook is and that I can keep all my books with me.

But then I turn around and look at my glorious bookshelf. I look at the titles all in neat rows organized by author and smell the ink on the pages. I took this book with me on vacation, this book has a little tear in the page when I took it out on the beach. See, these paper books were their covers like battle scars, they feel delicious in my hands and they let me know instantly if I'm halfway done with the book. They let me see how much reading I've accomplished.

E-books are much more practical though. The truth of the matter is my books are piled up on the floor and taking over more floor space with every title I buy. My hubby can see the mass of my "sin" but simply turning his head.

So where do I go?

How would I decide which books to buy in print and which to add on an e-reader? I'm just having a really hard time deciding.

I think paper is always going to be the ultimate for me because in the end, I just really like seeing my collection of books all piled on to shelves. Not much makes me more happy than venturing into my library and running my hands through the shelves.

But I guess that doesn't mean I can't have a Nook too.

So you guys tell me, paper or screen? And if you engage in both, I'd love to hear how you manage deciding what to buy on your e-reader and what to purchase in paper.


  1. I think paper is much better but i also think screen is good as well because there's so many books you can read on the tip of your fingers.

    Great saturday duscussion! :)

  2. My Dad just bought a kindle and I must admit that I'm desperate to have a proper look at it just to see if my pro-paper feelings can stand the test. Sounds like you and me are sort of on the same page on this issue.

  3. I love the look, feel, smell and just the existence of paper books. I'm sorry, nothing makes me happier than an opportunity to splurge on a great big stack of shiny, new hardbacks and while I do have a Kindle, I can't say that buying a stack of ebooks has anywhere near the same effect. I always feel incredibly guilty when I buy an ebook over an actual copy, like I'm helping to kill an endangered species. I'm like you in that we are tripping over books in this house and I freakin' love it. I use my Kindle for galleys and the occasional sequel that I have to READ RIGHT NOW OR DIE but I don't buy books that I know I'm going to love or books that are from an author I love, on kindle. That wouldn't save me any money because I'd just be buying two copies. I have a Kindle touch and it's soooo very easy to use and customer service from Amazon is awesome. However, B&N is coming out with a Nook that has a front light glow so that it's easier to read by! I can't read on tablets that are back lit because it hurts my eyes.

  4. I am a huge e-reader fan. I don't read many print books anymore. I just grab my backlit iPad and read while hubby is sleeping. I gave up paper books for the convince of having tons of books at my finger tips and the ease of reading in bed while the other half snores away. I love my e-reader and would never give it up

  5. I'll always love print, but have a NOOK as well. I use it mainly for eARCs and free titles that introduce me to new authors. Sometimes I'll buy an eBook that I have to have RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE!!! :)

    If I really love a title, then I'll buy a print copy as well. There's nothing like holding a book in your hands! But I've run out of room on my shelves, so have to be more selective in which titles I buy.

    I like the NOOK Simple Touch, but that one doesn't have games. After comparing the ST to the tablet, I decided that I liked reading on the ST better, so that's the one I went with. Nothing beats going into the store and playing with all of the different NOOKs to figure out which one works for you. Good luck!

  6. While I absolutely love a "real" book--it's my preferred way of reading--I do enjoy my Kindle, too. For one, I can read NetGalley ebooks on it and, that way, tend to read books I wouldn't normally buy. I can check out books from the library instantly, which is great. I can instantly buy books and read 'em the next second. I can travel with more books than I'll ever read, rather than picking and choosing just a few so I won't overburden my suitcase. Plus, I can keep the books I truly love on my bookcase, on display.

  7. I love buying books in all forms and have difficulties deciding what format to choose for one book or another. Now that I have an e-reader I have even more options but it can also simplify things. Now when I can't decide if I should buy the paperback or hardback edition of a new book or if I maybe don't like the cover of one edition I can just go for the ebook instead.

  8. I love buying books in all forms and have difficulties deciding what format to choose for one book or another. Now that I have an e-reader I have even more options but it can also simplify things. Now when I can't decide if I should buy the paperback or hardback edition of a new book or if I maybe don't like the cover of one edition I can just go for the ebook instead.

  9. I've got a NookColor and absolutely adore it. I've sung its praises so much that my mom wanted one for her birthday last year & for Christmas my grandfather received the Nook Tablet. Unless I'm reading a physical book, my Nook is always with me, either in my purse, on my nightstand, on the couch, etc. When I'm not reading a book, I love playing games (B&N is constantly adding more apps!) or messing around online.

    That said, I work in a local bookstore, so I'm immersed in both worlds and can easily see both sides of the argument.

    Personally, if you're thinking about getting an e-reader, go for it. Trust me, the money will be well-spent.

  10. I've got a NookColor and absolutely adore it. I've sung its praises so much that my mom wanted one for her birthday last year & for Christmas my grandfather received the Nook Tablet. Unless I'm reading a physical book, my Nook is always with me, either in my purse, on my nightstand, on the couch, etc. When I'm not reading a book, I love playing games (B&N is constantly adding more apps!) or messing around online.

    That said, I work in a local bookstore, so I'm immersed in both worlds and can easily see both sides of the argument.

    Personally, if you're thinking about getting an e-reader, go for it. Trust me, the money will be well-spent.

  11. I've got a NookColor and absolutely adore it. I've sung its praises so much that my mom wanted one for her birthday last year & for Christmas my grandfather received the Nook Tablet. Unless I'm reading a physical book, my Nook is always with me, either in my purse, on my nightstand, on the couch, etc. When I'm not reading a book, I love playing games (B&N is constantly adding more apps!) or messing around online.

    That said, I work in a local bookstore, so I'm immersed in both worlds and can easily see both sides of the argument.

    Personally, if you're thinking about getting an e-reader, go for it. Trust me, the money will be well-spent.

  12. I totally prefer physical books, but I recently got a Kindle Fire and I really love it! It definitely helps with my lack of shelf space! I typically will buy books for my Kindle that are authors I haven't read yet, or series that I don't already have sitting on my shelves. I know that if I LOVE an ebook I'll most likely end up buying the physical book too someday. And most of the books I've bought for my Kindle are ones that are free or I find a really good deal. Good luck in your decision!


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