Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cover Alerts: The Immortal Rules and Embrace

Two amazing covers were released today that I want to share with you all!

The Immortal Rules by Julia Kagawa
You will kill. The only question is when. 

In the dark days since the insidious Red Lung virus decimated the human population, vampires have risen to rule the crumbling cities and suburbs. Uncontested Princes hold sway over diminished ranks of humans: their "pets." In exchange for their labor, loyalty and of course, their blood, these pets are registered, given food and shelter, permitted to survive. 
Unregistered humans cling to fringes, scavenging for survival. Allison Sekemoto and her fellow Unregistereds are hunted, not only by vampires, but by rabids, the unholy result of Red Lung-infected vampires feeding on unwary humans. One night, Allie is attacked by a pack of rabids, saved by an unlikely hero...and turned vampire. 
Uncomfortable in her undead skin, Allie falls in with a ragtag crew of humans seeking a cure, or cures: for Rabidism and for Vampirism. She's passing for human...for now. But the hunger is growing and will not be denied. Not for friendship—not even for love.
My thoughts: Looks totally epic, right? The cover combined with the killer summary literally has me drooling! I love the rolling blood trail tear down from the red eye.

The Immortal Rules comes out April 24, 2012 from Harlequin Teen.

Embrace by Jessica Shirvington
I slowly opened my eyes. The sun speared its first bright rays of golden orange into the sky and I leapt from the cliff, with the sorrowful knowledge that no matter what the outcome, at least part of me would die that day... 
Violet Eden is dreading her seventeenth birthday dinner. After all, it’s hard to get too excited about the day that marks the anniversary of your mother’s death. The one bright spot is that Lincoln will be there. Sexy, mature and aloof, he is Violet’s idea of perfection. But why does he seem so reluctant to be anything more than a friend? 
After he gives her the world’s most incredible kiss – and then abandons her on her front doorstep – Violet is determined to get some answers. But nothing could have prepared her for Lincoln’s explanation: he is Grigori – part angel and part human – and Violet is his eternal partner. 
Without warning, Violet’s world is turned upside down. She never believed in God, let alone angels. But there’s no denying the strange changes in her body ... and her feelings for Lincoln. Suddenly, she can’t stand to be around him. Luckily, Phoenix, an exiled angel, has come into her life. He’s intense and enigmatic, but at least he never lied to her. 

As Violet gets caught up in an ancient battle between dark and light, she must choose her path. The wrong choice could cost not only her life, but her eternity...

My thoughts: Just wow. This cover is gorgeous with the combination of the deep purple/blue background and the black dress. I love how her wings are white but black feathers are floating around her. It's very symbolic and works so well with the summary.

Embrace is out March 1, 2012 from Sourcebooks Fire.

What do you guys think? 


  1. I really like the Immortal Rules cover the read eyes a tear stand out against the pale skin and dark hair. Plus it sounds really interesting I can't to read it.

    The Embrace cover looks really good too. I love those wings.

  2. After the awesome that was the Iron Fey series, Julie Kagawa could write gibberish with chalk on a sidewalk and I'd probably want to read it. So, yeah, I'm pretty excited about The Immortal Rules. :)

    Embrace looks neat too. I like books about angels.


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