Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturday Discussions: How Often Do You Read?

So this week I want to talk about how often you read. Lately, with the holidays and editing my own novel and work and people actually wanting to see me and stuff, I haven't had as much time to read. It got me thinking about my reading habits and I thought I'd share them with you.

First off, I really do prefer to read in complete quiet. I'll read at work sometimes but it is often so loud there with the t.v., my partner talking and the radio going that it is hard to concentrate. Some quiet music in the background is okay but my favorite is silence.

I'm not a snacker because I'm funny with my books. I like them to stay clean and don't want to run the risk of orange Cheeto dust coating the pages. I do like a soda or water by my side though.

I can read anywhere but I think I enjoy reading the most at night in my bed after a long day. Nothing beats getting all comfy and snug in my covers after a hot shower with a book. Favorite thing ever!

But the truth is that I don't get to do this as often as I'd like anymore even though I love it.

Some days I'm just too tired to read at the end of the night and opt for television. Sometimes I don't want to get so absorbed in a book that I have trouble sleeping.

I used to read every single day without fail two years ago but I found that I lost time with my friends and family that way.

Now I seem to read about five nights a week but the amount varies a lot. Some nights I'll finish 100 pages and other nights it will only be a chapter or two. Since I started getting serious about this current WIP, I like to reward myself for working hard by reading. It's my prize!

I think ideally for me about five days a week is good for about an hour a day. I'm a slow reader so that means several days for a normal size book (and about a week for a honker like Beautiful Creatures) but then it feels like a treat. Like reading is special. And that is what I love.

So what about you? Do you have any preferences for reading and how often do you read?


  1. I have to read before I go to bed. It's a habit my parents got me into when I was little and it's stuck with me ever since. Sometimes it's only 10 minutes but it's a nice way to end the day.

    1. That is a really good habit to be in. It goes in phases for me. Sometimes I do before bed almost every night and sometimes I don't.

  2. I don't snack but I do love to read with a cup of tea or coffee, mostly coffee LOL I also like a quiet space!

    1. I don't drink coffee but a good hot cocoa is never the wrong book companion for me!

  3. I usually do most of my reading at work, so that gives me about an hour monday-friday. It's not to bad. It's a small office, so there might be one other person in the lunch room with me, and they're usually zoning out. If it is rowdy for some reason, I can shut myself in my office!
    Lately, I haven't even had time to read at the office though. We are going through a big software change, so my process has slowed down. Plus, I've taken on more responsibilities. I usually just work through my lunch. But, I think slow season is coming so I can read again.

    I've given up on trying to read at home. There are too many distractions. Like the Xbox 360. Or my boyfriend, who won't stop talking to me as soon as I pick up a book.

    I get a lot of reading done in the summer too. The weather is nice, so I sit out on the back porch and read. My boyfriend doesn't like the sun or the heat, so he usually doesn't come outside to talk to me. Peace and quiet!

    - Jackie

    1. Ha! The boyfriend automatically senses when you have a book and can't pay attention to you and that's when he strikes. Love that you go out onto the porch to escape him.

      We don't get lunches at work but I can read if the phone isn't ringing so I could potentially get a lot of reading done then. It just depends on how easily I can block out the background and whether I'm at a good part in a book or not.

      I definitely have a hard time starting a book at work.

  4. I try to read everyday for at least an hour but sometimes only manage 20 minutes. With doing work and NaNoWriMo last month I didn't really read at all.
    When I read I like quiet but I also liek some background noise - music or the TV, there is something soothing about having a bit of noise around me.
    But really hectic/noisy situations are too distracting.

    1. Yes! Writing cuts into reading so much.

      I like to have the t.v. on mute for the light but not for the noise. If it's really low then it's usually cool.

  5. Interesting post! I prefer to read in a quiet house but if I waited for quiet, I'm afraid I'd never get anything read! I usually read on the couch while DH is watching TV. I've never been able to read in bed for some reason, just can't seem to get comfortable. As for how much I read, well, it varies. I'm trying to balance my reading with my blogging, so maybe an hour or so a day? Looking forward to seeing how much others are able to read a day!

    1. Ha! Yes, sometimes the "quiet house" can be an elusive beast to catch. It's good that you can squeeze some time in anyway and block out the television. Wish I could.

  6. I also enjoy reading in silence because I have ADD and it's already hard enough for me to concentrate. School often gets in the way so I'm always trying to squeeze in free reading time. Sports leave me tired so I rarely get to read as much as I wish. I used to read everyday but now its only a few chapter a week which is very sad because my nickname at school is "that nerd who loves reading and is really weird". I happen to love that title.

    1. Most. Epic. Nickname. Ever.

      Good for you for loving reading and embracing it. I think I was a little more reserved about my passion in high school but I wish I wasn't.

  7. I get so cranky when people see I am obviously trying to read a book and they still try to have a conversation with me!

    Glad you love reading in bed too!


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