Monday, July 9, 2012

Shelfmates #8

Some covers just work together...and some, not so much. I've decided to start up a semi-regular feature called Shelfmates to showcase series covers. I love getting the sequel to a novel and putting it up next to the first book so I thought this might be a fun way to do that on my blog! So here are some series covers and my opinions on how they look as a couple (or series...)!

Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
I might be one of the only ones out there that is underwhelmed by these covers but they just really don't appeal to me. I really like the concept and I've heard that Cinder is very good. I like the idea of these covers since they showcase the shoe and red riding hood cape but I'm just not wild about the execution. 

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
I'm in love with these covers. I love that they feel really modern and cool but sort of fantasylike at the same time. I've always been a fan of the whirly aether in the first one and I'm glad to see that they carried it over for the second, plus, you gotta love Perry! I think these two compliment each other very nicely.

Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Holy Batman, these are two gorgeous covers. I know that the pretty dress trend has been done to death but if you are going to do it, then do it right! Everneath and Everbound definitely got the memo and are on it. I love that they kept the same smoke and Greek-like whispies from the first novel and added it to the second. I also think that the different colored dresses and slightly different pose compliment each other. A big yes please for me!

Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
For me, these are another example of pretty dresses done right. I like that we get the copy of the swirly print in all three titles and the repeat of the feather sticking somewhere. I'm also liking the pale muted colors almost like sepia from a camera but in different colors. Another set I can't get enough of!

Partials by Dan Wells
I was thinking I liked these covers until I put them side by side and saw that they didn't really bother to change the girl at all. I mean, I guess there are slight changes but not enough to make it count. I like the hard edge sci-fi vibe the cover is giving off but I wish there was a little more variety. 

So there are some covers side by side. Overall, I think the Everneath and Under the Never Sky covers got it right for me. Which ones do you like and which do you find lacking?


  1. I think that the cover for Cinder is okay, but when you put it next to the cover for Scarlet it looks a little meh. I definitely do not like Scarlet's cover.

    But yes, the Never Sky/Ever Night covers are perfect. I love how progressional and neat they look, and they're similar but not too similar. Very nice.

    I really like this new feature, by the way! Covers are always so interesting to look at.

  2. I'm not wild about the Scarlet cover at all... like you said, I love the concept, but the actual cover is pretty plain. Even though I know what the book is about I didn't even get at first that it was supposed to be her cape.

  3. On a very basic level, I think all of these work as shelfmates. I agree with you on the Wells covers and the Meyer covers. I wish they'd made thefirl put on new clothes or at least made them look more ragged or something, and the guy shouldn't have a shiny messenger bag. On the fairy tale ones, I do like the concept like you do, but the sort of texturedness of the covers doesn't appeal to me, although it might be better on the physical book perhaps.

    The one thing I really disagree with you on is Everneath. I loved the first cover, seriously loved, but I HATE the Everbound cover. Mostly, it's the salmon background. And I don't like the first as much any more because when they're next to each other it looks way more salmon-colored than it did before. Waahhhhh.

    I love the Hallowed covers though. They're cheesy and overdone, but they do it PERFECTLY.

  4. I don't really love the cover of CINDER, but I really like SCARLET. And, yes, CINDER was absolutely incredible! One of my favorite books of 2011 (although I guess technically it came out this year). Also totally agree about the Veronica Rossi ones. I LOVE the second cover! I was a little disappointed with the first one after I saw the UK cover because it's so absolutely gorgeous (you can see it here), but it sorta grew on me. And I really like it beside the new one!

  5. So many pretty covers! *Drool* I want to have all of them!

    Thanks for sharing! =D

  6. I personally love the Cinder and Scarlet covers.

    My favorite would have to be Under the Never Sky and Through the Ever Night. They go together wonderfully!


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