I've been thinking a lot about how I run my book blog. I take time to write in depth reviews to get across my feelings on the stories I read. I try very hard to be honest about how I feel so that I don't steer people wrong. If I don't love something, I try to admit it.
But I realized a few weeks ago that I don't do a lot of commenting on other people's reviews and that is a shame. I've been working hard to remedy that and try to comment on at least 5 reviews daily. I follow so many wonderful blogs and it's a shame I don't visit more often.
I've been having a problem with my blog updating thingy lately as it only goes back a couple of hours now. I might start putting up a linky to let people link up their reviews on my website so that I can start commenting on more. I hope you'll join in.
Anyhow, as I was reading more reviews, I noticed how many different styles of reviewing there are out there and I started t wonder which way was most effective. I thrown together a survey of questions that I hope everyone will take. I'll share the results in two weeks.
So PLEASE fill out this form. I'll tally up the results on March 23rd and share them with everyone! Please be honest as it is anonymous. Thanks!
That's a great survey, I'm really curious about what will come out of it.
Nahno ∗ McLein ™