Monday, April 14, 2014

Dusting off the Blog Cuz...I HAVE AN AGENT

Some big changes will be coming to this blog. I know I dropped off the face of the earth for a while but I'm back with big new!


I am so proud to announce that I am now represented by Nikki Terpilowski of Holloway Literary for a young adult fantasy novel I wrote!

Here's my story about snagging a wonderful agent!

I have written six books before the one that landed me an agent. I've been trying to break into the publishing world for over 10 years (I started writing when I was 15 and am now 26).

I have been querying my manuscript for over a year, which is long even by publishing standards, but due to other unforeseen circumstances, I still hadn't found the right person to represent me.

But they say that when you find the right person, things happen fast. I queried the Holloway Literary on March 12th. The very next week, I got a request for a partial (the first 50 pages). The week after that, I got a request for a full. Then, on April 1st (yeah, that's right, April Fools), I received an offer of representation!

This doesn't mean that I have a book coming out. I still have to go through editing and submissions to editors, who might reject me all over again. But this does mean that there is someone in the publishing world who believes me and fell in love with my characters as much as I did! This is the first major hurdle in a long road to publication!

So what I want to say is sometimes things don't work out at all like you expect them to. The road to finding an agent is long, treacherous and feels oh-so-lonely sometimes. But if you keep pushing, if you believe in yourself (and have others that believe in you when you can't), your dreams really will come true. The only way you can fail is not to try at all.

Here's to wishing that all of your dreams come true too, whatever they are. They can. I promise!

Big thanks to Katie over at One Page at a Time for her continued support and long talks!


  1. That's amazing news, Amber!! Huge congrats and best of luck to you on this new adventure!!

  2. That is really awesome!!!! Congrats! Hopefully your book will be picked up by an amazing publisher sometime in the near future :)

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! I wondered what had happened to you. Missed you around here but I'll look forward to more good news from you (hopefully least by publishing standards. :))

  4. Congratulations!! I knew it wouldn't be long!!


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