Friday, March 1, 2013

#BBTC Most Creative Blogger

Someone or several someones nominated this blog for "Most Creative" and completely made my night. The Book Blogger Twitter Convention is such an awesome event that The Bookish Burnette and Parajunkee are hosting and I am honored to be a small part of it. So thanks to everyone that thought of me when nominations came around.

Regardless of if you want to vote for me or someone else, I'd encourage all of you to head over to The Bookish Burnette and check out this event. There are some really wonderful blogs nominated in my category but no matter who you vote for, we are all winners because we get to chat about the books we love any time we want.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart for reminding me why I love this community! And since I'm nominated for Most Creative, here are a few posts of mine that I like the best that might fit the category:
Thanks again guys! Go forth and explore!


  1. Congrats on being nominated! I voted for you. I have always love the fairy tale posts you have on Fridays with all the pictures!!!


  2. That's awesome! You totes deserve it! :)


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!