Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Teaser Tuesday (63) and Top Ten Tuesday

TEAser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!
Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles!

She followed his instructions, trying not to notice how good Tanner smelled. Fresh and clean. Like catnip for girl. 
-Pg. 196 of "The International Kissing Club" by Ivy Adams

Really enjoying this novel so far. I've been looking forward to Mei's chapters mostly because I'm going to be having her on the blog in the upcoming month but I have to say, the other girls sure know how to pick their guys. Piper's got a French guy that calls her "cherie" and Cassidy has an Australian guy. Can we say hello to sexy accents?

What's your teaser?

Top Ten Tuesday is a 10's list meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. There is a different question every week and all you have to do is answer their question with your top ten results!
Top Ten TBR List For Winter
This is a list of the top ten books I'm most excited to read with a release date between December 2011 and March 2012. There are loads of others but here's my list.

1) Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer- I haven't gotten to Wolfsbane yet, mostly because I read it ends on a terrible cliffhanger and I want this little jewel available right after so I can dive in!

2) A Million Suns by Beth Revis- I loved the first novel and can't wait to continue on with Amy and Elder.

3) The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight by Jennifer E Smith- This one looks so cute and I love that it's set over a single 24 hour period!

4) Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood- Described as "A Great and Terrible Beauty meets Cassandra Clare". Where do I sigh up?

5) The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams- I love that this one deals with heavy costs. Looks like such a fascinating read!

6) Tempest by Julia Cross- I love novels about time travel and again, this one has such high stakes. Can't wait!

7) Everneath by Brodi Ashton- Love the back and forth pull between two guys in this one. I have an ARC and can't wait to dive in!

8) Fever by Lauren DeStefano- Loved the first one and DeStefano's writing was just gorgeous. Can't wait to get back into this world!

9) Harbringer by Sara Wilson Etienne- Love the mystery element of this one and can't get enough of boarding school books.

10) Incarnate by Jodi Meadows- Interesting concept! I've got an ARC of this one too and can't wait to get started on it!

What made your TBR winter list?


  1. Bloodrose! I am so so excited for Bloodrose!

    I've heard really good things about it and it's coming out so soon!!! **gush**

    Happy reading :)

  2. I can't believe I didn't think to put A Million Suns in my list. It's my number 11. lol Also I had the opportunity to read Tempest cause I won it from Goodreads. It is such an awesome read. You should enjoy it. =]

  3. Great list! I'm really looking forward to Fever and The Alchemy of Forever.

    Here's my list


  4. Great list. Definitely want Jennifer Smiths book it sounds like a fun read.

  5. So sad I got declined on Incarnate :( I got Everneath and Tempest tho. I need Fever and A Million Suns for reals!

    Totally love your list!

    Here's my Top Ten List
    Jay @ We Fancy Books

  6. Ooh - so many interesting choices! Beth Revis is on my list of authors to read again next year too!

  7. Definitely excited to read Born Wicked and Harbinger. And Incarnate, of course!

    I'm also looking forward to Girl of Nightmares, and the sequel to Witch Eyes coming out next year.


  8. Tempest is SO good!

    I had Fever on my list as well! :-)

  9. Some of these are on my list too! I really can't wait to start Born Wicked and Harbinger!

    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  10. A Million Suns is awesome! One of my fav reads this year! Hope you enjoy ot :-)

  11. Incarnate and Everneath were amazing. Like, they blew me away. I'm really excited for the rest of these titles too. Great, great list. But seriously, I'm smitten with Incarnate and Everneath!

  12. All of these books you chose have such gorgeous covers! I'm especially excited for Incarnate :)

  13. At least half of our books are the same! The others are also anxiously awaited, just not top ten for me! Dare I say we have similar taste? Great list! lol

    My Top Ten

  14. Fever is on my list, too. I'll get to Bloodrose and A Million Suns, potentially, but first I need to see whether I like Nightshade and Across the Universe. They're both sitting here and waiting there turns. (Likely not so patiently.) Great list!

    I Write, I Read, I Review

  15. Love your teaser! Can't wait to read your review!

  16. I LOVE that Tanner is catnip for girls! LOL looks good.

    My Tuesday Teaser


  17. Great list! So many books I can't wait to read. I'm so excited to read the sequel.
    A Beautiful Madness

  18. So many good books! I'm pretty excited for a lot of the books you mentioned. A Million Suns in particular. I hope you enjoy.


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