Monday, November 28, 2011

Hopefully New Feature Coming: The "Write" Stuff

I'm currently trying to work on a new feature that will aim to help aspiring writers learn a few things about their favorite authors.

I'd like to start a new feature called The "Write" Stuff which would be a weekly or bi-weekly post that interviews a different author each week on things like their writing process, their agent, editing tips and specifics about their books of course! I feel like this is something I would come to a blog for all the time and something I'm really interested in.

Authors, please, please, please contact me or comment and let me know you'd be interested in doing an interview for this feature. I'd want a few lined up before I started posting this. It'd just be about 7-10 questions and then some book stats like word count and all that. It would mean the world to me so please let me know!

Readers, do you think this is a feature you'd be interested in?


  1. This is definitely something I'd be interested in seeing! I'd love to get some insight into published authors' processes and tips. Hope this works out, and great idea! :)

  2. Sounds amazing!! I hope you get a good response from authors coz I would love to read this feature.

  3. I'd definitely find this feature interesting! Hope it works out :)

  4. *waiving my hand and hoping 'pick me, pick me,' a la middle school gym class*

    Hi! I'd love to participate in your new feature. I'm a published romance writer with my first YA coming out via Mundania Press in January. It's an urban fantasy featuring a surfer boy werewolf and a Buddhist vegetarian vampire. So, yeah, totally a super serious kind of book. :)



  5. Love this idea! When I do author interviews, I always ask writing questions because I WANT TO KNOW. :)


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!