Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Book Review: Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey

Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey

Reading Level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Philomel (December 8, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0399256229
ISBN-13: 978-0399256266
Source: ARC tour from Teen Book Scene
Cover: This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful covers I've seen and really fits with the book. The dress made of rose petals for Lenzi's middle name, the scattered pattern mimics her past lives. Everything fits and it's gorgeous.
First Sentence: "The voice of a small child called out from somewhere behind me."

Mini-reviewIntensely romantic, Shattered Souls is an incredible deubt with simple prose and beautiful love story that blossoms throughout time.

Book Summary:

A thrilling debut story of death, love, destiny and danger
Lenzi hears voices and has visions - gravestones, floods, a boy with steel gray eyes. Her boyfriend, Zak, can't help, and everything keeps getting louder and more intense. Then Lenzi meets Alden, the boy from her dreams, who reveals that she's a reincarnated Speaker - someone who can talk to and help lost souls - and that he has been her Protector for centuries.
Now Lenzi must choose between her life with Zak and the life she is destined to lead with Alden. But time is running out: a malevolent spirit is out to destroy Lenzi, and he will kill her if she doesn't make a decision soon.
Book Review

Shattered Souls tells the story of two souls bound together throughout time and a chance to begin again. The true beauty of this novel is it's simpleness. The plot isn't deluded in complex secrets, there cast of characters is small but intimate and the emotional connect between Alden and Lenzi is both sweet and undeniable. I immensely enjoyed this stellar debut by Ms. Lindsey.

Lenzi was an easy character to root for. She was intelligent, quick-witted and sympathetic. Still reeling with the idea that her father heard voices and had recently past, she is terrified when she too starts to hear things. What I really liked about Lenzi was that she was willing to take charge. I wish she'd been a little more proactive towards Alden's message since he offered her answers, but when she finally accepted what she could do, she was fully on board. I also thought she showed an appropriate amount of fear and enthusiasm and I like her struggle with her past self Rose.

Alden really made this novel shine. He was understanding and compassionate, brave and fearless, and through him Lenzi found strength. Truly a perfect fit, it was fun getting to know the old Lenzi through his visions. The dialog between Lenzi and Alden was some of my favorite. I liked that Lenzi was considered "the boss" and though she fought it, she was also willing to joke about it. I also really liked Race and Maddi as I felt like they rounded out the past and present feeling. Their presence also added some depth to the world Ms. Lindsey created and it was nice for Lenzi and Alden to have some people to rely on. Plus, Race was hilarious!.

What I found most appealing about this novel was that everything didn't feel too big to fast. Things were introduced as needed and the story grew at a steady comfortable pace. This really let the romance between Alden and Lenzi blossom and made their attraction to each other seem real. Yes, Alden was a good looking but but she saw him for who he used to be too. Likewise, it was clear Alden didn't just love Lindsey because she always was but rather because she grew and evolved. Their coming together really was the heartbeat of the story but didn't bury the other paranormal elements.

Ms. Lindsey offers a sweet romance that sweeps through time without weighing it down with too much to fast. It's easy to see why both character have a passion for what they do and it's absolutely endearing watching them fall for each other. I loved Shattered Souls. I for one, wouldn't think you were crazy for wanting Lenzi's voice to run through your head!


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  1. Ooh this sounds sooo good I can't wait to get a copy. I love that the pacing isn't overwhelming and the concept is so interesting!

    Xpresso Reads

  2. So glad this is good! I got a review copy in the mail last week, and I wasn't sure about it. But now I want to read it :)

  3. I LOVE this cover. I'm glad that it was good and I can't wait to get it:)

  4. One of the most beautiful covers that I've seen. It sounds awesome and I am a sucker for romance. Can't wait to read it. Thank you for the review!

  5. Nice review! I noticed this book ages ago because of it's gorgeous cover, but hadn't heard anything about it- now I want it for the story as well.

  6. I'm so glad to hear that this one isn't that complex. So many novels have world building that is set to the extreme and I would love to read a book where I don't have to first spend 100 pages understanding the world around the characters.

    Thanks for the great review, this one just got moved up on my wish list :)

  7. Amber,
    This is such a great review! I cannot wait to read Shattered Souls!

  8. I cannot wait to get my hands on this book! Great review!


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