Sunday, April 3, 2011

In My Mailbox (31)

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

From Books-A-Million:
For a giveaway:
Guys, don't forget about my XVI Cover recreation contest and to vote for A Touch Mortal's groom-to-be!

What's in your mailbox?


  1. I love Wither! I need to get a hard copy of it because I read it as an ARC as well. And Babe in Boyland looks so cute! It made me think of the Amanda Bynes movie as well (She's The Man)! Great haul and happy reading!

  2. I have heard good things about Wither and Choker! I haven't heard of the other two books, but as soon as you said Babe In Boyland, I thought of that Amanda Bynes film too!
    Hope you enjoy them all! :)

  3. great books this week! argh! i've ordered wither from Book Depository and the wait is really killing me! am so envious right now! *sniff*

    anyhoo, i've heard so many great things about babe in boyland and chocker as well... and their in my wishlist. looking forward to your review. happy reading!

    here's my IMM:

  4. I bought Choker back in January and still need to read it and I've heard wonderful things about Wither, but I haven't gotten my own copy yet. Enjoy your books & have a great week!

  5. Awesome books this week. I loved Babe in Boyland.
    Happy reading.

  6. I loved Wither, so amazing. Wonderous Strange is such a great series---though I still need to read the final book! I've really been wanting to check out Babe in Boyland---such a cute idea and cover!

    Enjoy your books, Amber!

  7. I've heard so much about Wither! Hope you like it!

    My IMM

  8. Babe in Boyland looks so cute. Happy reading!

    Chel @ The Procrastinator's Corner

  9. I'm crazy to read Babe in Boyland! And Wither is on my TBR too. :)


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