Sunday, October 24, 2010

In My Mailbox (9)

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

I had another pretty good week for books. I'm particularly excited for Wildthorn since I got a hardback copy for $1.50 from Amazon!

Shipped from
Bought from Books-A-Million:
So what did you get this week?


  1. I've been wanting to read Wildthorn! The cover's so pretty! And that price--I'm jealous! haha

    Hope you enjoy! :)

  2. I got Crescendo too and I am already halfway through it. Happy Reading!
    Here's what I got In My Mailbox

  3. 1.50? Would you happen to know if there were any left? *evil grin*

    I do hope you enjoy it. Have a pleasant weekend :)

    Mad Scientist

  4. Cool! I got The Rampant. I can't wait to read it. Here's my IMM. I think I need to join bookaholic anonymous. What do you think?

  5. All I can say is "Ooooooooooooooh" Great IMMb this week :)

    Come see what's in my mailbox

  6. I liked Wildthorn very much!
    Happy reading :)

  7. I loved Ascendant!! Maybe even more than Rampant! I really enjoyed Wildthorn too. I hope you like them!!

  8. Love that cover for Wildthorn. Give me heads up if the rage is really true.

    Happy reading :)

  9. Whaat! What an awesome price. Guess I missed the sale :( Saad! I finished Rampant the other week and I have Ascendant waiting for me. Anyway, hope you enjoy your books this week :)

    Here's what I got in my mailbox this week :)

  10. I hope that you enjoy your books. Check out what I got In My Mailbox. Happy reading.

  11. Great books! My copy of Crescendo is waiting for me at work. I had a couple of vacation days and didn't go in for it. You can see my YA Mailbox here. Happy reading!

  12. Great books! I hope you enjoy Crescendo, I love the cover of Wildthorn. =)

  13. Enjoyed Crescendo. I hadn't heard of Wildthorn before.

  14. Fantastic books this week! I have wanted to read Wildthorn and look forward to reading your review!

  15. Wow - Wildthorn for $1.50?! That one looks really good. I'm really looking forward to Crescendo since I pretty much devoured Hush, Hush. :) I don't have it yet though! And I still need to read Rampant. I'm guessing you liked it?

  16. Great reads! I've heard good things about Wildthorn.

  17. awesome books this week! i need to read them all.
    Hope u enjoy them :D

  18. Great mailbox this week! Can't wait to read Wildthorn's review :)

  19. You got some good books this week. I am excited to read Ascendant though I should probably reread Rampant...I've forgotten so much. And only 1.50? Awesome. It totally makes my day when I find good deals like that.

  20. Oh, Crescendo... I haven't picked that book up yet, but it's on my list!!!


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