Friday, October 22, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (11): October 22-25

The book blog hop is hosted by Jennifer over at Crazy For Books. The idea behind it is to link up your blog and check out others who did the same!

I want to welcome everyone stopping by from the Hop!

I'm a 23-year-old aspiring YA novelist and on my blog it's all about YA novels, writing and movies! I'm really excited to be meeting everyone! Feel free to have a look around my blog!

This week's question:

Where is your favorite place to read?

I either like to read to on my super comfy couch if no one is home or if the house is really quiet because it a good option for sitting up and my living room is bright and happy. If it's nighttime, I enjoy reading in bed but that gets me tired. If I'm already tired, reading in bed is heaven.

I don't like reading outside of the house. Especially if I;m on a romantic part of a book. For so reason I get kind of embarrassed like I'm exposing my love life to the world... I'm a weirdo.

  • Make sure you tune in for YA Love Triangle Week from November 1-7 to read guest posts, enter giveaways and read author interviews. 


  1. Hopping through. I'll read pretty much anywhere, although it is embarrassing to be sobbing at a book while at work or on the bus or something.

  2. Haha I feel the same way about reading romantic stories in public. I feel like everyone knows I'm reading a "porno" book HAHA

    Hop on by :D

  3. Happy hopping, Amber! Hope you have a brilliant weekend - I'm like you...I'm a homebody when it comes to reading my books :)

  4. hi just hopping over from the book blog hop
    i love the design of your blog very halloweenish
    i,ve also entered your giveaway

  5. Hey Amber, hopping on by! I know what you mean about reading books with romantic scenes in public. It does feel embarrassing even if you know they have no idea what you're reading.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love comfy couches. They're cool. I'm an old follower here from the hop.

  7. Thanks for hopping by my blog. Angelfire was AMAZING! If you ever decide to indie publish I would love to read your stuff or even if you don't decide. I have several indie authors I follow that self-publish on kindle. They do quite well for themselves.

  8. Here from the hop...great blog!

    i feel the same way about reading romantic books in public...but i do 75% of my reading on the bus so there is no escaping it. i have definitely cried on the bus more than once because of a book!

  9. Hopping on by to say hello! I know what you mean about reading outside the house .... I have a tendency to chuckle or laugh out loud when I'm reading and I've noticed people look at me funny.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. I'm a couch girl as well, just give me a comfy sofa and a book and I'm a very happy girl:) Have a great weekend Amber!

  11. Just popping by for a pit stop. Still loving your blog :)

    Mad Scientist

  12. Hopping by to say have a great weekend and week!

  13. That is cute :) I have a tough time hiding my smiles at a funny book when I'm outside reading...though that doesn't stop me :) My biggest reading time these days is during my commute to work and back (2 hours total)
    - Dee, on the Hop from e-Volving Books


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