Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: 2013 Debuts I'm Looking Forward To

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week, they post a subject and the goal is to answer the question with your top ten picks. Once you've done it, link back to The Broke and the Bookish and check out what other bloggers have to say!
Top Ten 2013 Debuts I'm Looking Forward To
This list is pretty easy to make with the DBA challenge. I went through there and snatched up a few I'm really excited for!

1) Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans- Not only is the author a fellow blogger but the premise is killer.

2) Taken by Erin Bowman- Love that it is written from a boy's POV and the concept sounds amazing. I want to find out the secret behind The Heist.

3) Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke- The devil as a love interest? This is so going to end badly. I can't wait to see if I'm right!

4) City of a Thousand Dolls by Miriam Forster- A murder mystery set in a fantasy backdrop? I'm so in love with this premise!

5) The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett- This cover is just gorgeous and the premise sounds awesome. I want to know what a Nightmare is and how the story is going to unfold!

6) The Collector by Victoria Scott- With a cover like that and a name like Dante Walker, there is no way I'm not looking forward to this book! 

7) Pantomime by Laura Lam- If it's Strange Chemistry, I know I'm in for something this special and this just screams amazing. I love a story that combines magic with a circus!

8) Vengeance Bound by Justina Ireland- It describes this novel as "Goddess Test and Dexter". Like the t.v. show Dexter. I am so there!

9) Dualed by Elsie Chapman- This is such a cool concept. Two of you, one arena and only one comes out the survivor. Yes, please!

10) Red by Alison Cherry- I had to add in a contemporary and didn't have to look much further than this one. Sounds like a really funny and awesome read!

I'm always on the look out for new debuts. Which books made your list?


  1. Yay for Taken and Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea! I also have them on my list. And Dualed sounds really interesting. I think I'll add it to my list as well.
    Great list! =D

    My list : http://ellegoesnerd.blogspot.com/2013/01/ttt8-top-ten-2013-debuts-im-looking.html

  2. City of a Thousand Dolls and Taken are also on my list!

    Here's my Top Ten: www.best-of-ya.blogspot.com

  3. I see a lot of Level 2, but I'm not sure about this book. Nice list. :)

    MY TTT

  4. Great list I'm looking forward to a lot of these too!

  5. Damn! Good selection. I am looking forward to ALL OF THESE, seriously. Such a good year for debuts.

    our TTT

    old follower,
    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  6. 8/10 are on my WL! YAY for good book taste ;)

  7. I'm looking forward to Level 2 as well! Great list!

    Here's my top ten

  8. Love your list and your blog design! Alice in Wonderland is a favorite!

  9. Level 2 was the first pick on my list, too!

  10. Great choices! I put Mindee Arnett's book on my list too, and I actually just got this one on NetGalley so I can't wait to read it! Also, I'm totally with you on LEVEL 2, especially after I read that it has so many international settings - COOLNESS!

  11. We share several books, which is exciting. Given your blog title, have you checked out SPLINTERED by A.G. Howard yet? It's a superb reimagining of the Alice tale. Loved it!

    My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2013/01/top-10-tuesday-most-wanted-2013-debuts.html

  12. So many great books in 2013! Really excited for The Nightmare Affair, Pantomime, and City of a Thousand Dolls. Can't wait for those to release. Will definitely be checking out the others on your list, they all look fantastic!
    The Top Ten 2013 Debuts I'm Looking Forward To

  13. Awesome list! The tops on my list include BEING HENRY DAVID by Cal Amistead, DEAR LIFE, YOU SUCK by Scott Blagden, and DR. BIRD’S ADVICE FOR SAD POETS by Evan Roskos.


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