Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Critique Partners?

I've been sitting on this for a bit because as soon as I write this post, I'll get an answer back that I won't like. But here it is... I've got a request out with an amazing agent right now and I'm freaking out. It's been a little longer than a month and I still feel like I'm walking on air.

So, to try and forget about this, I've dived whole-heartedly into a new novel. I'm in first draft phase right now, so everything is awful. You know that feeling. But what I was wondering is if there was anyone out there who writes YA fiction that might be willing to become a critique partner with me? I'd like to start a group (my best friend also writes and would like to as well) of maybe four or five people. Would anyone be interested?

I'm just throwing it out there.


  1. I didn't know you had written a book! Good luck with getting your agent :)

  2. I would be interested.


  3. You have a request out with an agent! How awesome is that? I'm writing a YA novel right now and have only one person to look at it -- my Mom. LOL There was a critique group at my library but they were kids picture books so that didn't pan out. I wouldn't mind! Okay, this might be a dumb question, but are you looking for people who live in your area or online?

  4. kl, I've sent my first novel to a publisher and still waiting to hear back. It's truly nerve-racking, so I know how ur feeling.
    I still need to contact agents and see if i can get one.
    Sounds like a good idea. :D

  5. I would, but I'm already a member of two critique groups and I think three would be a bit much!

    If you're still looking for a group, check out a post I did that includes resources for finding beta readers and critique groups:


    Good luck! Let us know about the agent. I've got my fingers crossed for you!

    Erin @ Quitting My Day Job

  6. First of all - congrats on it being reviewed by an amazing agent! I'm going to think good thoughts for you! And for your thoughts on critique partners, I don't write YA fiction, but would be happy to help to help with reading/providing thoughts, etc. Not sure if it helps, but I have my degree in English and Creative Writing a gazillion years ago, and I do write frequently, just not YA. However, I do love YA fiction. So maybe that will help? :) Maybe I should start writing YA fiction (it's tough for me, though!)

  7. I'd be very interested in joining a critique group, if you would have me.
    I'm only seventeen, but I've been writing for about six years. A critique partner would be great, because I'm quite shy about letting my friends/family read anything I've written.
    Email me at kjedisbury [at] live [dot] co [dot] uk if you want to contact me :)


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