Friday, August 27, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (4): August 27-30, 2010

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy For Books. The whole idea behind it is to link up your blog and check out others who did the same!

For those of you stopping by from the Hop, I want to say welcome!

Feel free to have a look around my site. I'm 23 year old aspiring novelist and on this site, it's all about YA, writing, and movies! I'm really big into following people and (since I have a lot of free time currently) I'm always reading posts and commenting! I can't wait to meet you all!

This week's question is:

Do you use a rating system for your reviews and if so, what is it and why?

It's funny because I just answered this in a post today. I do use a rating system because I feel like it helps readers who just want to scan the review to see if it's worth their time. Since my blog is Alice In Wonderland themed, I went with evil bunnies. 5 evil bunnies are the best and it goes down from there. I didn't think there was any other type of rating system to go by...

The coveted 5 evil bunnies. I've yet to give out one of these suckers!
Here's my question for you guys this week:

Did you read Mockingjay? Why or why not? (No spoilers in the comments please! I'm not finished yet)

Also, I've got a special announcement! I'd love to try and get to 100 followers. When I do I'll be holding a contest and I promise to make it worth while. I'm giving away something Cassandra Clare-y and signed along with a few of some of my favorite YA novels! Please help me get there! I'll do a post about it when I'm closer!


  1. Just hopping by! I haven't read Mockingjay but I did just by Hunger Games yesterday and really look forward to reading it (i know I know, I'm behind the times!)

    You're blog is really lovely, you've got yourself a new follower!

    Sarah @ Loving Books

  2. I haven't read Mockingjay yet. I still need to read Catching Fire. I loved Hunger Games but haven't gotten to the 2nd book yet.
    My Hop

  3. Just returning the hop, I love your blog and of course I am a follower, I have my fingers crossed that you hit 100 followers this weekend!
    Good Luck!

  4. Hello, stopping by from the hop! I just finished Mockingjay today and it was amazing! You will get to 100 followers, I am your newest and you will for sure get more. Just keep blog hopping that is what helped me reach 100 last week! I am so excited to hear that you are a writer. I am one too...well trying to be hehe. I am starting up a writer blog too but its not done yet. Here is my book review blog:
    Have a good day!

  5. Hi there! I found you through the hop and I am now your newest follower! I have not read Mockinjay yet (or any of them) but I just downloaded The Hunger Games to my kindle. Hope they are as good as everyone says! Love your blog!


  6. Hi already a follower just stopping to say good luck on your quest for 100 followers! If not this week then surely next so you better get your books ready! I love your rating system and the title of your blog.

  7. I agree with you, too! Ratings are nice for a quick peek at a book.

    Also, can't wait for your contest. Hope you get to 100 followers soon! :]

    And no, I've not read Mockingjay. I'm one of the very few not sucked into The Hunger Games books.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Combining them is a good idea. I probably won't update the writing one very much since I am book blogging so much..something to think about I guess!

    I might do a giveaway of Extraordinary, if so I will let you know. But since it is my first ARC and I have a hording book problem, I might not lol.

  9. Hey! Tina here...redirected from the blog hop, of course.
    Your blog is quickly becoming one of my favourites!

    Great idea for a contest! I do send you all my best wishes. As for Mockingjay...noo, not yet! I'm still reading Catching Fire - I just got it today.

    I'm absolutely looking forwards to Mockingjay super exciting!

    Hope you have a lovely Friday!
    ●▬▬▬๑۩Tina @ Book Couture۩๑▬▬

  10. Ahahahah I love the evil bunnies! What an ace rating system :D I'm trying to become a follower but Google connect is playing up... When it starts working, you will have one more :)

    Happy hopping,
    Liberty x

  11. Interesting blog! Followed you! Hope you pass by my blog if you have the time, see you around!

  12. Alice in Wonderland Evil Bunnies,very nice! I have not read Mockingjay as of yet because have not gotten Catching Fire yet so when have all three will def read the books!

    I am a new GFC follower since need some YA tips and this is a good place for that to get me up to speed....

    I am hopping by from Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories to say Hello and have a good weekend....

    jackie ^_^

  13. Hey you, I've just become a follower. I love the name of your blog. I feel that way every time I get lost in a book. Hey, I'm having a giveaway! Sign up!
    See ya,
    Readaholics Anonymous

  14. Hi Amber, great to find out youre not a zombie or a robot!;) lol. I'm visiting your blog trough the hop! Great job! And I do like those bunnies.

  15. Hi, visiting on the Hop! I absolutely LOVE your wallpaper - what's it from? I mean, did you design it or is it from a film version...?

    Those are some truly Monty-Python-worthy Evil Bunnies! Love them!

  16. Hi Amber! I'm an old follower but I just wanted to say Happy Friday:) Love your bunnies, I should have done something more creative with my system! Hope you make it 100 followers, I'll be looking out for your contest. I love contests:)

  17. Here from the Hop. Like the bunny idea! And I did read mockingjay, although I wish I hadn't.

  18. Visiting from the Hop! I have been busy reading the Hunger Games books. So this week I am visiting YA blogs.

    I hope you will visit my blogs - LibrarysCat Books and Holocaust Resources!

    Have a great weekend!

  19. I'm now a follower. =)

    Love your rating system! Very funny and unique.

    I have read Mockingjay; I spent all Tuesday reading it. I didn't love it as much as the first two, but I did enjoy it and it made me think.

    Check out my hop post here.

  20. Stopping by to say HI! Oooh. We're crossing our fingers for you, hope you get to 100!!
    Btw, love your evil bunny rating system. As you know, we are a little obsessed with Alice in Wonderland in my home (Tim Burton style!) Have a good weekend.

  21. Thanks for this post!

    Bill ;-)
    Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
    and forthcoming "The Homeplace Revisited" Spring 2011

  22. Found you in the hop :) Now following.

    Nope I haven't read it yet, because I haven't read the first or second books in the series.

  23. Fun blog! Good luck w/the 100 followers! I'm sure you'll get there soon. :)

    YES, I read Mockingjay! Why? Because I LOVED Hunger Games 1 & 2. It was very good.

  24. Cute blog! I love the theme! Stopping by for the hop and I'm a new follower. If you get a chance, stop over at my blog and take a look around.

    Happy Friday!

  25. Stopping by from the Hop -- and now following! I love your evil bunny rating system!!

  26. Just hopping background.

    Hop on over to my blog if you like.

  27. Here for the hop! I do not use a rating system. No two books are alike unless it is by the same author.

  28. Hey! I'm returning the hop and I really like your evil bunny system! So cute!

    I bought Mockingjay on Tuesday but I haven't read it yet (gasp!). I've managed to avoid reading any reviews so nothing's given away... I'll have to start it soon but I'm almost kind of afraid to start it...

  29. Thanks so much for coming by my "place"! I love your design! Beautiful colors!! I followed you too! Looking forward to your posts!

  30. Thanks for the follow! I'm now following your blog, as well :)


  31. Lovely blog! I have my copy of MOCKINGJAY sitting on my nightstand right now. I'm itching to finish it--love the evil bunnies. am now a follower and you are that much closer to your 100 followers! yay :D happy reading!


  32. I'm stopping by from the hop. I like the pictures! I haven't read Mockinjay, because I'm still waiting for it to get here! I'm not too concerned though, because I haven't read the others either. I've been waiting until all three were released to read them, so a few more days won't make a difference!

    Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing

  33. Thanks for visiting and following my blog :) I have read Mockingjay...I pretty much did a dance of joy when I saw the UPS van pull up in front of my house.

  34. Hello! Found you through the hop... I haven't read MOCKINGJAY (yet), but only because I don't have it and I think it's only fair to read CATCHING FIRE first. I know, I know, I'm incredibly late to the party.

    Ten Cent Notes

  35. Hey there! Just stopping by from the hop. Can't wait for your contest! No, sadly I haven't read Mockingjay yet, but I plan to as soon as possible.

  36. I'm coming over from the blog hop. Yes, I did read Mockingjay and it was awesome. I couldn't wait for my thing to come in the mail so I bought the kindle version and read it in about 3-4 hours. Awesome book. I'll be following and I look forward to reading more of your reviews.


  37. Just hopping on over to say hi and to say THANK YOU for the award! So sweet of you!

  38. Hi there! Just hopping on by. I'm a new follower. =D



Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!