Friday, August 27, 2010

100 Followers Contest hosted by ME!

Don't Be Late!

I'm holding a contest when I get to 100 followers! I'm getting so close now I can taste it and I want to thank each and every one of you guys from the bottom of my heart.

So I've decided to hold a contest!

I'll be posting up prizes as I get them. The first one is going to be first place in the contest and it's a little novel signed by this one author... hmm, what's her name? Cassandra Clare! I have a signed hardback of City of Glass just waiting to be in your hands. More details to come soon!

But the proof is in the pudding, right?
That's yours truly holding the signed book


  1. Can't wait I love Cassandra Clare!!!

  2. I'm impressed that you already have that many followers. Wow! And, I love the idea of having a giveaway once you reach it. :)

  3. I am already a follower but I wanted to say that I love your site! Good luck!

  4. Ooh, very beautiful! (You, and the book...and the colour of your wall.)


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!