Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Whovember Giveaway: 1st Season of Doctor Who

For my first giveaway and in honor of the Newbie Guide to Who, I'm giving away season 1 of Doctor Who to get you started. Meet Rose and the 9th Doctor and watch as they go adventuring together. This season has "Father's Day", "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Danes" on it which are some of my favorite episodes. I do hope you enjoy!


  • Must be 13 years or older
  • Must fill out the form
  • May only enter once
  • This is a US giveaway only


  1. I have such a soft spot for this season, very cool prize!

  2. Nine is my doctor! I love the first season so much. I've been wanting to buy this for so long!

  3. The Doctor Dances is by far my favorite episode, along with Father's Day, Bad Wolf, and The Parting of Ways (even though it breaks my heart every time!)

  4. OMG! I love Doctor Who so much and please don't make me choose a favorite episode because they are all my favorite. I seriously could just sit and watch and re-watch doctor who all day every day.

  5. I've not seen the show yet. This would be the perfect opportunity to get in at the beginning. Thanks for offering this great gift.

  6. I love the Empty Child/Doctor Dances two-parter and the introduction of Jack, it's a really funny episode. And I also love Father's Day. Dalek was a pretty nice episode too because the Dalek was actually more threatening than I've ever seen it.

  7. I love the empty child/doctor dances! Such a funny episode!

  8. I love any episode that features Jack.

  9. I'm starting now, because I'm afraid if I don't you and BJB may kick me out of the hashtag gang :D

  10. I've seen some of the first season, but it was like two years ago, so I don't remember much of it. I did like it though, just haven't had time to watch more of it. I hope to get back to it eventually.

  11. I've only seen some of Season 1, but I liked what I saw. I don't remember a specific episode, cuz I haven't watched it in like 2 years. I hope to get back to it eventually.

  12. I have seen the show but I do not have a specific favorite episode. I have been watching the previews on Youtube for the Christmas special and it looks beyond great!


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