Sunday, September 23, 2012

In My Mailbox 94

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

Simon & Schuster:
From the author:
From Books-A-Million:

So as you guys can see, I got a lot of really awesome things this week. Every day was a new surprise of books or t-shirts and that is always fun. I want to thank Ms. Bloom and Simon and Schuster for making my mail extra special!

For those of you interested, you can find out all about The Sunnydale Project here and enter to win my giveaway of a Buffy comic here!

What did you get this week?


  1. I need to get my hands on What's Left of Me. I've heard good things about it :-)

    Happy reading!

    My IMM:

  2. Really excited to read What's Left of Me. and The Raven Boys is FANTASTIC!!

    awesome book haul!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  3. A)LOVE your Sherlock Holmes shirt! I haven't read 'Dark Endeavour' yet but I am really intrigued! :) I might not dig if it is too gorey!

  4. Awesome haul! I can't wait to hear what you think of What's Left of Me---I want to try and get my hands on that one soon! Excited to read Raven Boys and The Blessed, too!

  5. The Diviners is really big! I can't wait to check it out! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week.

    My IMM

  6. Haha! The similes shirt is funny!! I didn't get it as first because I was like "umm duh," then I picked up on the "like" bit. #slow lol


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