Monday, August 20, 2012

Bout of Books 5.0 Wrap-Up Post

All week, I participated in Bout of Books and really did have a blast. But all good things must come to an end and this is no exception.

Books I read:
Book I started on:
Final Counts:

  • Number of books read: 2
  • Total number of pages: 571
  • Goals accomplished: About 80%
  • Time spent reading daily: Average of three hours
Final thoughts:

I think that considering the unexpected migraine and having to work five days out of the read-a-thon time, I actually did quite well on reading. It's more than I usually do a week and it still allowed me to do all my normal daily activities. I also did pretty well on participating in mini-challenges and posting though yesterday slipped away from me since it was a Saturday, I was off and gone most of the day.

I think next time, I'm going to make it more of a focus to go visit other blogs and give myself a five comment a day goal so that I get to meet even more new people.

This is definitely something I'd do again and I'm going to miss it. I'd like to thank the hosts of the creative and fun mini-challenges as well as the hostesses for the entire read-a-thon. I really appreciate all the hard work you did.

How did you all do?


  1. Don't you hate that whole work thing getting in the way of your reading?! But you did a great job!

    I didn't get to read Girl of Nightmares :(

  2. I love those covers, will definitely check them out. Glad you enjoyed the readathon

  3. Really looking forward to reading 'girl of nightmares'!!

  4. Congrats on reaching most of your goals - I did abysmally in that department but I did what I could given my time constraints and what not. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of The Assassin's Curse. : )

  5. Glad you had a great week. You managed to read some amazing books ;) See you in January at Bout-of-Books 6.0 ;)

  6. I haven't participated in a read-a-thon yet, but I hope to soon. You're my inspiration now. I thought you had to read a bazillion books in a week to participate. Glad you had fun :)


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