Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: Mind Games by Kiersten White

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine where you can post about upcoming books you're looking forward to. This is a wonderful chance for blogger to show off what's coming out soon that they are excited about! Every week my wishlist balloons thanks to this awesome meme.

Mind Games by Kiersten White
In a world where psychics and mind-readers are the ultimate tools in corporate espionage, two teen girls try to save themselves and their future.
Mind Games is out February 19th 2013 by HarperTeen.

I love Ms. White's Paranormalcy series so I know I'm going to like this novel too. I think the concept sounds really interesting and I love the corporate angle. Definitely got my eyes peeled for this one.

What are you waiting on this week?


  1. Good call waiting for the cover reveal, so you can get a jump. I'm sure this will be like half of the ones for next week!

  2. This sounds awesome, of course. And I really do like that cover. Great pick this week! : )

  3. One sentence and I already want to read it. Great pick! :)
    My W.O.W.

  4. I haven't read any Kiersten White works but after seeing this i'm definitely going to! This sounds really interesting.

    Great pick! =D

  5. Even with the short description, it's just enough of a tease to know that I MUST have this book when it's released next year. And you definitely can't go wrong when it's written by Kiersten White. Great WoW pick! :)

    Liz @ Midnight Bloom Reads

  6. OOO, it has a cover now! :D Definitely looking forward to Kiersten White's next series!


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