Thursday, May 3, 2012

Swoon Thursday (13): Tiger Lily and Breaking Beautiful

The ladies over at YA Bound created a sexy meme where you share what made you tingle in your current read. If you want to join in, here is what you do:From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering. Shout it out on Twitter with the hashtag #YABound, link up at YA Bound, or grab the adorable button above and share it on your blog!

Apparently it's been a while since I did one of these. I've got two swoons for you this week. 

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
The light was trickling down on her in two narrow slices, and as his hands moved to boost her he brought his face to her neck, almost as if he was bumping into her by accident, only he kissed the skin of her neck, just quickly.
--Pg 112 of an ARC of "Tiger Lily" by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Peter Pan is the "he" in that passage and the girl is Tiger Lily. This is one of the rare tender moments between them that was just too beautiful not to swoon over. I loved this book from top to bottom. This is most definitely one to swoon over!

Breaking Beautiful by Jennifer Shaw Wolf
We're barely moving, leaning into each other, breathing together, my forehead against his cheek, his had tracing little circles on my back. After a few minutes he pulls back and looks into my eyes, clears his throat, swallows, clears it again. "There's something I've been wanting to--" --he breathes in-- "something I've been meaning to tell you."
--Pg. 259 of an ARC of "Breaking Beautiful" by Jennifer Wolf Shaw

This book was exactly like I want all romances to be. It was slow and steady, something undeniable that built up and made your fingers and toes tingle. I loved the two characters in Breaking Beautiful. There were so many swoon worthy moments in this one!

What's made you swoon recently?


  1. Love your SWOONs! These two books are on my TBR list.

    My SWOON:

  2. Great SWOON-worthy posts! :) These books both sound SOO great and I can't wait to read them myself! You're so lucky you can read them. :)

    By the way, thanks so much for commenting on the YA Bound SWOON post, I hope you liked the SWOONs that we did! :)

    1. Are you kidding? Those swoons were great. I just started reading INSURGENT and got all happy when I saw the swoons from today!

  3. Aw, how cute are stuttering boys?! Love it so much *dies* Must put this one on the pile, TY! <3

    1. You should. BREAKING BEAUTIFUL is awesomeness intensified. I loved it!

  4. Dang! Breaking Beautiful sounds wonderful!!

    Thanks for the swoons.

    Here's mine: Swoon


  5. These two quotes just made me want to read these books even more! Great choices!


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