Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Doctor (Who?) is in this House

I've been just a wee bit distracted these past few days and it has happened completely by accident. So basically I was wandering around Netflix, looking for something to watch when I just happened to give Dr. Who a try. I mean, I've heard of it before and know it has a cult following and I knew the basics--time-traveling alien with a blue police box called the TAR-something. Heck, I even had a t-shirt that featured the good Doctor on it though I didn't know it was the Eleventh Doctor until very recently.

But I digress.

I started out slowly, an episode or two every few weeks but these last couple of days, I've become sort of hooked. Now it's like an obsession. It's killing me to go to work and have to stop watching and I can't wait to get home and continue.

On my down time, i.e. when I am working, I've read up on the show. I wanted to understand what these numbered doctors mean so I went to Wikipedia and starting reading. For those of you who don't know, this show was started 1963 and went through 26 seasons plus a whole slew of specials. Then it was canceled and didn't reappear until a made-for-tv movie in 1996 that was supposed to revive the series though this didn't happen. Finally, the series was revived in 2005 and is still going strong today. What these numbered doctors are is a clever way to keep the show going but to "pass on" the role of the Doctor to different people.

Basically, in the show they have given the Doctor the ability to regenerate himself when he is dying so that he will have an entirely new body (thus giving someone else a chance to play the Doctor). I think this is beyond genius because they have created a potential never ending show since they will never lose their main character. So that is where the numbered doctors come from. The Doctor has had 11 reincarnations so they label the Doctor by his reincarnation. So the 2005 show started with the Ninth Doctor and it is currently broadcasting the Eleventh Doctor.

I think this might be the most genius thing I've ever heard of. It allows the show to go into whatever direction it wants to go in and can change actors (or give them the ability to leave) at the drop of a hat. I'm also obsessed with this idea that the Doctors pick up "companions", that is to say people/aliens/robots to travel with them for company.

I'm currently in Season 2 which has just introduced the Tenth Doctor played by David Tennant whom I think I am really going to like. It's funny because my first memorable encounter with this actor was him playing Barty Crouch Jr in Harry Potter so it's hard for me to look at him as the good guy. However, his sexual tension with Rose is absolutely delicious and as I continue watching, I'm finding it hard not to love him. This is particularly impressive since the Ninth Doctor forced me to like him even though I didn't find him all that handsome (which for me made me like him all the more).

I like that he his witty and talks very fast, especially when working something out, but it also gives him just a bit of untrustworthiness because he could very well be insulting you in the middle of it and you might never know. I also like that he doesn't realize he's being rude and has to often ask.  He sort of like a fast talking New Yorker who is actually British.

Basically, I'm hooked. I really like watching this show that combines good old fashioned horror with strong sci-fi elements, time traveling, a dash of romance and lots of fast paced dialogue ala Joss Whedon. So that's my update. I plan on blogging about how Doctor Who is like my other favorite childhood tale Peter Pan in a few days so keep your eyes peeled if you are a fan of the show or are thinking about getting into it. I'm also going to post some fun merchandise I love soon too!

So what about you guys? Seen it? Plan to? Love or hate (but if you don't care for it, keep the comments respectful--not that you guys won't since you are all wonderful)?


  1. Oooh yay another convert! I watch the show religiously, and I've been thinking it's time to go back and rewatch. Congratulations! You've joined the cult.

    And you're not alone on the being outside the cult thing. I tend to go for cult stuff, and I'm still on the outside of Buffy looking in (halfway through season 3 and stalled out at the moment).

    1. I'm definitely part of the Buffy cult though that might be more because of Joss Whedon. It's really him that I love!

  2. So awesome! I actually only watched Doctor Who for the first time last year, so you're not alone in being a late convert. The Tenth Doctor is definitely my favourite. I'm not that much of a fan of Eleven, though he does grow on you a bit. Still, an AMAZING show.

    1. I'll have to see for myself about the Eleventh Doctor since I haven't met him yet. Tennant is pretty amazing so far though!

  3. I'm obsessed with this show! My sister started watching and got me hooked. I started like you -- watched an episode or two every once in awhile and then the addiction progressed. For me, it hit its peak once I got to Season 3. Tennant is brilliant as the Doctor. Can't wait until you get further in the series. It's SO GOOD!

    lol to Anne -- it really does feel like a cult. :P

    1. I'm interested to see if I'll feel the same way. I worry I'll miss Rose though.

  4. Oh, I love this show! But I stopped watching regularly after David Tennant left. He was my favorite Doctor. He just makes a fantastic Doctor. But I was thinking of starting to watch it again, or at least rewatch every David Tennant episode. :D

    1. Lol, I'm sure whether you continue on or go back and re-watch you'll enjoy it!

  5. The only episodes I've seen had David Tennant as the doctor, but I liked him a lot! I didn't watch the show religiously, though. I never really connected with the story like I have other BBC things (such as "Sherlock" or "Downton Abbey"), but it's definitely good! :)

    1. I don't watch Sherlock or Downtown Abbey. Maybe I'll check out those next but I'm really loving Doctor Who right now! Sorry to hear you didn't connect as well. I wonder if I'll feel the same way after Rose is out of the picture.

  6. David Tennant was definitely my favorite as well, though I liked the other Incarnations. Love this show!

    1. I really liked the Ninth Doctor. Tennant is still new for me but I'm liking him so far too.

  7. Ooh, I love Doctor Who! :D I can't decide between David Tennant and Matt Smith though - but you've still got that to come ;) I rewatched the David Tennant episode about a month ago - they're so good! So glad you're enjoying them xD

    1. Thanks! I'm excited to see how I feel about Smith. I think my favorite part about this show is that it can always remain fresh by switching up Doctors.

  8. I love Doctor Who! It's my fave! Right now i'm eagerly waiting for the upcoming episode. I can't agree more that i am lost in who to choose. David Tennant or Matt Smith?! Both of them are so good!

    I hope you enjoy the rest of it! =D

  9. Would you believe I remember watching Doctor Who when it was Doctor #4?! I grew up with sci-fi crazy parents :) I've been sitting back watching everyone go on and on about this series and now I think I might have to hunt down the show and DVR-it to see if I like it! Loved your write up!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
    -Kristin @myparahangover

  10. Dr Who is great! And I agree that regeneration is a brlliant idea.

    Btw, have you seen the new Dr Who mii-episode about the Olympics?- I believe its on YouTube already

  11. I am so behind on commenting on posts but I saved this one in my Google reader just so I could comment! I started watching Doctor Who about 2 1/2 years ago and I was hooked right from the beginning. I haven't really watched anything but the new seasons. I started watching, got through the 1st season and half of the 2nd season and then my husband got interested so we watched them over again. But we hardly ever have time to watch so we're only on season 4! But I'm going to try to get him to watch it more over the summer.

    Oh, and if you're also a fan of Harry Potter, there's this awesome HP/Doctor Who t-shirt over at DFTBA Records (a website by Hank Green, brother of YA author John Green - both of those guys have created another fandom with their vlogs on YouTube, but that's a whole other obsession!). Here's the link to that shirt (I really want one!): Priori Incanfandom Shirt.

    Have fun watching Doctor Who! ;)


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