Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Time Will Come (34): The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann

The Time Will Come is a weekly meme started by Books for Company which spotlights books that have been sitting unread on our shelves for too long.

Want to join in?:
- Pick a book you have been meaning to read
- Do a post telling us about the book
- Link the post up in the linky at Books for Company
- Visit the other blogs!

The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann
Every year in Quill, thirteen-year-olds are sorted into categories: the strong, intelligent Wanteds go to university, and the artistic Unwanteds are sent to their deaths. 
Thirteen-year-old Alex tries his hardest to be stoic when his fate is announced as Unwanted, even while leaving behind his twin, Aaron, a Wanted. Upon arrival at the destination where he expected to be eliminated, however, Alex discovers a stunning secret—behind the mirage of the "death farm" there is instead a place called Artime. 
In Artime, each child is taught to cultivate their creative abilities and learn how to use them magically, weaving spells through paintbrushes and musical instruments. Everything Alex has ever known changes before his eyes, and it's a wondrous transformation. 
But it's a rare, unique occurence for twins to be separated between Wanted and Unwanted, and as Alex and Aaron's bond stretches across their separation, a threat arises for the survival of Artime that will pit brother against brother in an ultimate, magical battle.
I really enjoy Lisa McMann's novels and this looks so different than everything else she's done recently. I just think the concept sounds creative and even though I'm not a fan of MG, I've got to give this one a try. Like always, I just haven't found time to get to it yet.

What's been on your shelf for too long?


  1. I have seen this one around but never really read the description - but now that I have, I've added it to the TBR list! Sounds really interesting! Great pick!

    My "The Time Will Come" Post

  2. Wow- that cover and the fact that it's described as "The Hunger Games meets Harry Potter" is enough to draw me in! Definitely sounds creative.
    Another one I'd never heard of before!


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