Thursday, February 16, 2012

Taking the rest of the week

I don't know how much you guys have noticed but I've been a little MIA this past week. I've had some recent things come up that have just left me drained. I want to assure you all that I'll be back to regular posting and commenting by Monday and I hope you all have an awesome rest of the week!


  1. I think sometimes it's important to take time off. I hope you enjoy your break and we'll see you soon!

    The Cait Files

  2. I certainly know how that is. My schedule has been crazy since the new year started, between blogging, trying to spend time with my boyfriend, doing karaoke fundraiser work, entering a singing contest and trying to finish revisions on my novel and get my author blog set up for it's debut.

    Whatever has you overloaded, I hope it all gets sorted out for you. As much as we all love our blogs, its always important to remember that there has to be time to refill the well / recharge our batteries here and there.

  3. Hope everything gets a little easier for you and you get your energy back! I totally know what you mean!

  4. My kudos to you for knowing when to step back and take a breather, Amber! Have a nice break and we'll see you soon! :D

  5. Life can be pretty demanding so take as much time as you need! See ya soon! <3

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    Book Tagged


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