Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blogs I'm Thankful For... Part 2

Already the comments I'm getting on the first post are full of eloquent and generally good natured responses which just goes to show you that what I was saying before was true. Great community full of even greater people!

Here are some of the other blogs I'd like to mention and again, this is by no means all of the blogs I love. It's just a few that I've been frequenting as of late and want to say thank you to!

Up and Coming Incredible Blogs (blogs that don't have as many followers yet but are going to explode):

1) Dazzling Reads- Not only is Natalia super nice but her blog always has loads of up to the minute announcements whether it be covers or book news.

2) Xpresso Reads- Want to talk about a blog that has a bunch of really detailed and thoughtful reviews? Giselle always has something new in her hands and is sharing it with us the second she puts it down. Plus, she comments on other people's stuff a lot. That;s definitely a way to win friends!

3) Brooke Reports- Brooke always has something fun to say and I love the casual tone of her posts. Plus, her header is so stinking cute!

4) Shortie Says...- Jena has loads of in depth reviews, fun posts and interviews. She's also a really sweet person.

5) Cheezyfoot Books- Bella is about the most awesome person on the planet. She was the first to volunteer when I asked for people to help me out with my Happily Ever Endings and her reviews are always so insightful and spot on. Even when I don't agree with what she is saying, she it so eloquently that I can totally see her point of view.

6) The Midnight Bookworm- I choose her as my little sister so you know she has to be awesome! Honestly, getting to know Jessica has been a pleasure. Not only is she super bright and ambitious, she's also really nice and this comes across so well on her blog! I love it when she updates!

New Blogs I Can't Wait To Stalk (some of my recently discovered favorites):

1) My Cute Bookshelf- What drew me to this site at first was the design but it's the content that makes me want to come back for more. Great reviews, tons of memes and an update on releases every week is definitely what I love stopping in for!

2) I Like These Books- This site looks like a filing cabinet and it houses all my favorite things! I love the simple rating system and the to the point reviews.

3) Read Me Bookmark Me Love Me- Lisa is a whole truckload of fun with her Dean avatar! What you'll find here is a whole truckload of awesome reviews and lots of updates. I've actually followed this blog for a while but just realized what I was missing.

4) Hippies, Beauty and Books Oh My!- I really enjoy the thoughtful (but short) reviews!

5) Sash and Em- It's the simple, clean blog design that drew me to this blog but now I love running over there for a review. Even though they are short, they always nail them right on the head!

6) Ester's Ever After- Another adorably fresh blog design with loads of great frequent content. I also really like how Ester's reviews are formatted. They make for quick, easy reading!

7) A Cupcake and a Latte- It was yet another design thing that drew me here and I want to keep coming back for the delicious content!

So that is my really short and incomplete list of blogs I'm thankful for. Again, there are so many, many that I just couldn't mention all of them.

So here's what I want to know. Do you follow any amazing blogs? Or have you been following me and should I be following you? Please let me know in the comments below.

Also, would you be interested if I did a weekly highlight of one blog on my blog? Now that I have several followers, I'd love to spotlight others.


  1. Thank you for including my blog on your list! I really appreciate the shout out :)

    I try to keep my reviews short and sweet because I hate spoilers! I feel like I am ruining a book for someone else when I give too much away.

    Anywho, I hope you have a FAB Thanksgiving. All the best to you and yours!

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  2. weekly highlight would be cool :)

  3. Amber!!!!!!!!!!! you brought tears to my eyes ---_---.... sniff! You are so super sweet <3
    Thank you so much for this ^.^
    Dude, I've been visiting your blog since before becoming a blogger and it is so nice that one of the blogs I've always love to visit, likes to visit my own ^.^ such a lovely feeling! muah!

    I totally agree that the book community is wonderful! I have met so many great people, received lovely comments as well a the support of more experienced bloggers =)THank you ^^

    Take dear ^-^ and happy reading forever and ever and for always! MUAH! XOXO

  4. Thank you for the incredible shout out!!

  5. This is such a cool post! Great to highlight new blogs :)

  6. THANK YOU! :D You're really sweet :)

    A weekly highlight of awesome blogs would be great! I love finding new blogs :)

    Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  7. Thanks for including me Amber! Your blog is in my favs it's wonderful! And you're awesome!!

    Xpresso Reads

  8. Hey Amber, this is a great post. It's really cool of to you to rep your fav bloggers and spread the word ;)
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  9. Some of these blogs I already follow! I'll have to start stalking the others!

  10. Well, thanks for throwing this out there. I was feeling a bit cornered with the blogs I was watching. Hopefully, I will find so more inspiration to keep going and laughs.


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!