Monday, September 19, 2011

Mini Challenge: One True Pairing

There 's another fun mini-challenge going on at My Cute Bookshelf for Princess Bookie's Contest Craze. For this mini-challenge, we are asked to show our favorite literary couple. This was a tough one because there are a lot of really good ones but I'm going with the first one that came to mind.

Here's what you do:

  • Pick a couple
  • Find pictures for what you think they look like
  • Link up
My couple is coming from my favorite read this year:
Divergent by Veronica Roth

My choice is Tris & Four!
I think Kay Panabaker would make a great Tris. She's got a small frame and looks delicate but I feel like she's got some fire behind her which is going to be a must to play Tris!

Someone else choose Matthew Lewis for the part of Four and I totally agree (I can't remember who did but if you read this, you are welcome to tell me in the comments because I think it's a brilliant choice!). He's interesting looking like I imagine Four would be.

I choose Tris and Four for one very important reason and that is that they are equals. Four respects Tris for her courage and really gets to know her before they fall in love. He doesn't disrespect her and even when he does come to her rescue once or twice, he does it without acting like she's a damsel in need of saving. She keeps him on his toes and is so strong, he really isn't sure if she needs anyone even though she very clearly does. The hell that Dauntless training puts them through allows each to see them at their very worst and they love each other despite that. It's a beautiful partnership and I love these two together for that!

Who's your favorite pairing? 


  1. I love this book!! but I imagine to Saoirse Ronan as Tris Pior.. for me she is perfect! but I like your choice too!

  2. Four (sigh)......
    Okay, my favorite couple is Mia and Adam. Love them!

  3. That book was amazing, great pick for this contest. I can totally see them as Tris and Four.

  4. Whoa! I chose the same pair as you! I'm so glad to see another Divergent fanatic. :) Tris and Four really do make an outstanding couple. And I totally agree about the seeing each other at their very worst part! Four even let her see his fear landscape. :)

    My OTP :)

  5. Thanks for sharing I decided to join in on the fun after seeing your post. Cute couple but I haven't read Divergent maybe I should.


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