Friday, September 23, 2011

Interview & Giveaway with Carolyn MacCullough, author of Once A Witch series

Today, I've got the wonderful Carolyn MacCullough on the blog to talk about her recently released novel Always A Witch (link leads to my review). The Once A Witch series is a seriously bewitching tale with great characters, time travel AND witches and beautiful writing. So here's the interview!

1) What's one thing you'd like people to know about ALWAYS A WITCH?  

That it's a sequel!  Some people don't know that.  While I think you could read Always a Witch on it's own--it would make more sense if you read Once a Witch first.

2) Did you have to do a lot of research on the Victorian era for ALWAYS A WITCH? Is there somethng you found out that you loved? Did you put it in the novel?  

I did do a lot of research and tried to include some fun, key details.  At the same time, Tamsin is traveling back in time so she's bringing her modern girl sensibilities to Victorian New York and that was a challenge to write.

3) Who would be Tamsin's literary best friend?  

Hmmm....Elizabeth Bennet.  (Just because I love that character way too much!)  Or Harry from The Blue Sword.

4) What about Gabriel? Who would he hang out with if he wasn't hanging out with Tasmin? 

Aw . .  Gabriel would be surrounded by girls of all kinds! (So true, I'd totally hang out with him!)

5) Tamsin's family are all about Talents. If you could have a Talent which one would it be? Is there a Talent would you prefer not to have?  

I would love to be able to rewind time so I could have instant "do-overs."  I need do-overs a lot in my life.  As for a Talent I would prefer not to have-I think most of them are pretty cool.

6) Why write about witches? Is there another type of paranormal creature you'd like to write about in the future?  

I love a good witch story!  As for other paranormal creatures--perhaps trolls?  They get a bad rap! (Interesting...)

7) When did you decide you wanted to be a writer? Was there any other plans in place before then? 

I always wanted to be a writer.  I also wanted to be a lot of other things as well.  A baker, bookstore owner, pilot, ballerina, princess in a  tower--you name it.

8) Was ONCE A WITCH always planned to have a sequel? Will there be anymore books in the series?  

Yes, I always planned a sequel to Once a Witch.  As of now, there are not other books in the series.  Maybe a prequel to Once a Witch--but not in the near future.

9) Have you read anything good lately?  

I'm reading a lot of great picture books these days to my 2 year old and my 5 month old!

10) What are you working on now?  

Another paranormal YA this time set in a seaside village.

Giveaway time!
I'm offering up a copy of Once A Witch or Always A Witch (depending on what the winner wants). As long as the Book Depository ships to you, you are welcome to enter the giveaway!

  • Must be 13 years or older
  • Must fill out the form
  • International (as long as the Book Depository ships to you)
  • Giveaway ends October 7, 2011


  1. I really like Always a Witch. I thought that it was better than the first one, honestly, even though I liked that one too. I think Always a Witch ended on a good note and it felt very resolved. It's not often that you have a two book series. Most authors have trilogies, but reading a two book series was refreshing.

  2. I adore Once a Witch!!! Thanks for a chance :)

  3. Awesome interview! Hehe, can you make trolls hot? That would, indeed, be interesting! And I love Pride and Prejudice, too!

    I loved Once a Witch, but I still need to get Always a Witch! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  4. Great interview! I think it would be awesome if somebody did a book based on lovable trolls!

  5. Thank you so much for this giveaway and great interview! I have had this book in my to-read list for a long while already. I hope I can get to it fast!!

  6. I agree with Carolyn. I love a good witch story but unfortunately it's really hard to come across many.

    Wonderful interview and thank you for the giveaway!

  7. I really like the way these titles fit together, I don't know if I have seen anything like it before. Thanks for the interview.

  8. Nice interview. I for one would love to read a story about trolls, not enough of those. Every time I think of trolls, I think of A Troll in Central Park, so yeah I think they could use an update.

  9. This made for an interesting and fun read.
    I love me some witches!
    But the troll thing's gotten me curious. I really want to read a book about trolls that changes our general perception of trolls.


  10. Awesome interview, I don'y know de thook, but after read all the interview i want to read the book!!

  11. I've been very curious about this series ever since the sequel came out. The review has swayed my interest :)

  12. Great interview! :) I never realised these books were about time travel! Ooh, I will most definitely have to check these out sometime, I think! :)

  13. This sounds really interesting. I haven't seen these books in bookstores here in the Philippines.

  14. Great interview. And I have to say, its a unique idea to think about writing a story on trolls. Your right, they get so much bad press. It would be interesting to see them put in a better light.

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  15. I''m intrigued now that the character travels back in time :) It made me giggle when I read that you wanted to be a bookstore owner among other things. Me too! I think it's a phase which everyone who is obsessed with books goes through at some point :)

  16. aw, thank you *__*
    I wanted to read once a witch for a long time!

  17. once a witch sounds good

  18. whoops.. I put the wrong twitter nick... the correct one is: @Lady_Vanille


  19. Great Interview! And I agree with Carolyn about witch stories... :)

  20. I read and re-read the first chapter of ONCE A WITCH on Amazon, wishing I could buy it. Glad for a chance to win!

  21. First of all the covers are just great! And then a story about trolls? It will be a nice read. Always good to read something new!

  22. thanks for the interview and the giveaway, I didn't know these books but the cover is really amazing and I'm curious to read it now !

  23. Great interview! Ha ha, a CTRL+Z for real life would be ideal, wouldn't it? I wouldn't mind that particular talent myself ...

    Your books have amazing covers! That's what attracted me to the series in the first place.

    Thanks for the interview and the contest! :D

    Ammy Belle
    apereiraorama @ gmail . com

  24. These books sound so interesting, and I'd never even heard of them before! I really love witch stories, but I haven't been able to find many good ones lately..

  25. Thanks for the interview!Once a Witch and Always a Witch sound awesome!I'd love to read more about Tamsin:)

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  26. Thanks for the interview and giveaway. I haven't read Once a Witch yet.

  27. I'm interested in this book because of the fact that the character goes back to Victorian Era :D

  28. Would love to read that! Thanks for the giveaway. seesen9[at]gmail[dot]com

  29. I like that we are seeing witches in more books that aren't in the stereotypical black pointy hat! :)

  30. Great interview. I love stories about witches, there aren't really that many in YA fiction that I can think of so when one comes along it's always exciting.

  31. I have the first one at home from the library and can't wait to read it! I've had my eye on this series for awhile now and am super glad my library finally had it in.

  32. At the moment I think witches are great. I have overdosed on vampires, werewolves etc.

    Just seem strange to think of a Victorian New York as I always associate that with era with England.

    Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to all.
    Please enter me.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  33. Cool interview! I think that everyone wants Elizabeth Bennett to be their best friend honestly, she's pretty awesome. And trolls! I've never liked stories about trolls because they've always been big, ugly, dumb, annoying, mean, blah characters that just get in the way. But I hope writes a story about trolls because I feel like she could actually do them justice and maybe make them the next big thing! Who knows...

  34. Great interview! Any character who would be best friends with Elizabeth Bennet and Harry from the Blue Sword is one that I would love to meet. Thank you for sharing! :)

  35. Thank you for this great interview and the chance to win the book - I'd love to read it :)

  36. Looks like a great series! I have great things about it

    great giveaway
    follow via gfc

  37. Great Interview. I especially love that her other choice of supernatural was trolls...i'd love to see her write about them.

    Jennelle S

  38. You wanted to be a baker? That's cool! I like baking cookies, muffins, cakes. I think I would like to be a baker. I have been teaching myself to bake at home over the last few months!

  39. the book sounds wonderful! the story incorporates so many elements i love to read: time travel, witchcraft, good characters. i have read your review of once a witch and i am hooked. i really want to win a copy ;)
    the interview was also a nice read. though it makes me anxious to get to the book :)

  40. Thank you for posting this interview! Always A Witch sounds like an interesting book!

  41. Ah a book store owner :-) I like that fact about you! After all being surrounded by books one way or another is a great thing!!

  42. Great interview!

    I love witch stories in general as well :) I think being able to rewind time would be a fantastic power! Although I would probably end up doing the same thing I do in online chess - rewinding (undoing) every two minutes.

    Thanks for the interview and giveaway! :)

  43. Elizabeth Bennet best friend? I have to read this book xD
    By the way I´m in love with covers♥

  44. I just started getting into Victorian era books. I am loving them. They sound like great books!

  45. I love a good witch story too. I feel like you can never get enough of witches because they can do so many different things.

  46. Great interview! My sister read this series and she told me that it was great and recommend that I read it. I guess I'll check it out now.

  47. I haven't read this series, even though it's been on my TBR pile for a while. Although. I'm very intergued by Gabriel =D Hehe....

    Thanks for the giveaway Amber!!


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