Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cover Reveal: Insurgent by Veronica Roth

This cover is all around the web by now but I couldn't resist throwing it on the blog myself since it is so pretty. I could pretty much write a sonnet on how much I love Divergent, maybe even an entire novel. I can't wait for the next installment and I just love this cover. The tree as the symbol catches my eye better than the fire on the first one for some reason. 

Anyway, Insurgent will be out May 2012 from HarperCollins and the wait is worth every second.

Check out the Goodreads page!


  1. This is the first I've seen it, so thank you for sharing!! :D
    It's sooo pretty & I love the tagline at the top. I think I like this one even more than Divergent. :D

  2. wow, very cool cover!
    the effect on the tree is very eye catching. gonna look forward for this series <3


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