Monday, July 25, 2011

YA Bachelor: My First Literary Crush from Hiba of Woven Strands

Don't forget to vote for your favorite YA guys in the polls which are only open until July 30th! Today, we have Hiba of Woven Strands, here to talk about her first literary crush!

My First Literary Crush 

People who don’t read novels don’t understand what I mean when I say: “Books are my shelter.” I don’t mean it literally, where you stack books and create a little shelter like we used to do when we were kids. I mean, they are my home when I am in pain, when I’m sad and even when I’m really happy.

I’ve come to realize that Young Adult novels have become my escape from the real world, don’t you?

Well, there is one problem when seeking shelter in a world that doesn’t exist, submerged in near perfect characters. I’m talking about lead male characters here ladies. You start to believe the world you live in --for the couple hours or days you’re reading-- that particular book. And what happens (since our fragile hearts are looking for it) we find true love. For just a moment our heart flutters, we giggle, and we blush.

My first flutter happened when Elizabeth Bennet met Mr. Darcy. I know, I know, you all expected me to say Edward Cullin or Jace Wayland, maybe even Angel (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

Well, I must explain, I am not that old, I did watch Pride and Prejudice before I read the book, and I’ve always had a hard time reading Jane Austin’s books.

I love Jane Austin’s time period because women were so poise and humble; men these days call it “hard to get!” Women needed to prove themselves worthy of equality and I think what made Mr. Darcy so appealing is that he let Elizabeth challenged that idea.

Oh Mr. Darcy! It wasn’t his looks that I fell in love with, even though he was dark tall and handsome —pure perfection-- there was more to him. It was his pride, his way of thinking, and his self-control around Jane that attracted me to him. What I believe most is that, only Elizabeth brought that side of him out. If it wasn’t for her, he would have been passed unnoticed.

I believe that YA novels are inspired by Mr. Darcy’s character. Every modern day author has a little bit of Jane Austen in them, and every lead male love interest has a Mr. Darcy in them a.k.a the “bad boy”.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the theme happens to be, and what women truly want, is someone with the full qualities and experiences of a man. We want to be the first to stir emotions of love and infatuation in that man, and we want to be unconditionally accepted for who we are by him. That’s what YA books provide; they fill holes that we might have. Even if --in reality-- we already have our night in shinning armor, our literary crushes will always be there when we need them, no matter what.

Who is your first Literary Crush? And what do you think of Mr. Darcy’s character? Is he a basis for all the new male lead characters of our time? I would like to hear your thoughts.

Hiba <3

WovenStrands © 2011 
Thanks to the amazing Hiba from Woven Strands for sharing her first crush! These are were all the love starts. Don't forget to show your love for the amazing guys that we've displayed all this month! Go here to view all 20 Bachelors that  you voted in and here to vote!


  1. That was said perfectly! We want to be the first to stir emotions of love and infatuation in that man, and we want to be unconditionally accepted for who we are by him. Sometimes I think it's hard going into the real world after living so long in all my books because men like that are so hard to find, it's discouraging. But, that doesn't mean I don't stop pondering and hoping that I'll get my own happily ever after.

    Also, I'd say my first crush was Logan from the babysitters club. LOL! I have better ones now, but those were the books I read most when I was young. Not that I'm that old (27) now, but a girl remembers her first!

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  2. Aww, such a cute post. I've only watch the movie, but this post makes me want to read the book. The thing is that I don't really read historical fiction. Anyways, thinking about it, I have two literary crushes:
    1. Adam from If I Stay/Where She Went
    I just feel for the guy. He's so perfect. Mia is a lucky girl!
    2. Four from Duvergent
    He' a bad boy who's really good but doesn't act like it. Love him! Swoon!

  3. My first literary crushes were Mr. Darcy and Edward Cullen. Darcy, because he is a sexy gentleman who is dark in all the right places. ;) Edward may sound cliche, but Twilight was the first YA paranormal book I had ever read. (which happened a good year before it was popular!) He is the embodiment of all paranormal men.


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