Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Time Will Come (4): Stork by Wendy Delsol

The Time Will Come is a weekly meme started by Books for Company which spotlights books that have been sitting unread on our shelves for too long.*

From Goodreads:
Family secrets. Lost memories. And the arrival of an ancient magical ability that will reveal everything. 

Sixteen-year-old Katla LeBlanc has just moved from Los Angeles to Minnesota. As if it weren’t enough that her trendy fashion sense draws stares, Katla soon finds out that she’s a Stork, a member of a mysterious order of women tasked with a very unique duty. But Katla’s biggest challenge may be finding her flock at a new school. Between being ignored by Wade, the arrogant jock she stupidly fooled around with, and constantly arguing with gorgeous farm boy and editor-in-chief Jack, Katla is relieved when her assignment as the school paper’s fashion columnist brings with it some much-needed friendship. But as Homecoming approaches, Katla uncovers a shocking secret about her past — a secret that binds her fate to Jack’s in a way neither could have ever anticipated. With a nod to Hans Christian Andersen and inspired by Norse lore, Wendy Delsol’s debut novel introduces a hip and witty heroine who finds herself tail-feathers deep in small-town life.
Why the time hasn't come: 

This is more like why it has come. I've got to read the second installment Frost, for a book tour so I need to get to reading this. Seriously though, I've heard the main protagonist is feisty and can handle her own which I love and the mythology is really unique. Can't wait to dive in soon! 

What's being ignored in your tbr pile?

*This explanation is from the wonderful Kate of That Book Blog


  1. You will LOVE Stork!! One of my favorite books I have read this year. =) And Frost will be there soon! I sent it out on Tuesday. =D

  2. This one's been languishing on my shelf, too! And I have Frost waiting for me. Gah! Too many good books to read. Enjoy!
    Happy Reading!
    Mary @ Book Swarm

  3. I have to read Stork too, I just seem to keep coming across something else that I just HAVE to read.

  4. This does look really good- I'll look out for your review. Enjoy!

  5. That sounds very interesting! I'll have to check them out!

  6. This is a book l have seen around but it's never been one l have wanted to pick up! Will look at for your review


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!