Sunday, June 19, 2011

In My Mailbox (42)

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

From The Teen Book Scene:
From HarperTeen (thanks so much HarperTeen):

  • ARC of Fateful by Claudia Gray
  • ARC of Eve by Anna Carey
From: Hyperion:
From Book-A-Million:
I can't thank both HarperTeen and Hyperion enough for making my mailbox epic. I had an amazing book week and there are just too many good ones to read in this stack!

Check out my Unrequired Reading post to win an ARC of The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab.

What did you get in your mailbox?


  1. Great IMM! I also have Hereafter, but I haven't started it yet. And I have almost all of these books on my TBR at Goodreads. So many awesome books. Enjoy!

    Here's mine!

  2. You really did get some amazing books this week!

  3. Fantastic books this week! Okay, I want Fateful by Claudia Gray SO BADLY right now! Lucky! :)

  4. Great books! You got a lot of the ones I'm really excited for :)

  5. You always get awesome books! Can't wait to read Gray's Fateful. Happy reading!

  6. You always get great books! Can't wait for Gray's Fateful. Happy reading!

  7. I want pretty much every single book in your mailbox. Especially Possession and Hereafter. Way to make a girl jealous!

    Happy reading!

    Jade @ Ink Scratchers

    Here is my mailbox

  8. OMG, i want fateful so freaking bad! the summary sounds incredible! can't wait for your review :)

    here's what i got in my malibox this week!

  9. Wow, you got loads! I really want Imaginary Girls, Hourglass and Possession, they all looks awesome! I'm jealous of all your hardbacks... :L Happy reading and I hope you enjoy all your awesome books! :D

  10. Wow you got a lot this week. You definitely got a lot that I wish I had on my bookshelf right now.

    I can't wait to see what you think of Hereafter, I've heard people say they loved it and others who weren't as enthusiastic about it.

  11. Wicked IMM! I can' wait for Shattered Souls. It's going to be a long long wait.

    Happy reading :-D

  12. WOW, you got SO many books I can't wait to read. I more excited for Shattered Souls now because you said it got a 5 out of 5. The Devouring totally freaked me out too, I'm halfway through Soulstice now it's not as creepy but it's still has lots of action. Happy reading!! *Skinny Arms* LOL

  13. Passion was really good! I'm really looking forward to Trial by Fire and Fateful, and I'm reading Possession now.

    I love your intro music, what song is it?

  14. @Tiffany, it's "Brick by Boring Brick" by Paramore.

    @Tristan, yes, VERY skinny arms. Like I haven't eaten in a million day skinny arms. I just don't think I can stomach Soulstice. I was up like three days straight after The Devouring and I'm pretty sure my air conditioner was whispering things to me bob dammit!

  15. Wow! Awesome week! I preordered Passion and it hasn't arrived yet, but I agree there's something off about the girl on the cover. It just looks weird and her arms are too skinny I think. Can't wait to read it though!
    Hourglass is amazing!
    I haven't got the books from Hyperion yet but I'm suppose to be so hopefully I will.
    Enjoy your books!

  16. Hi, Amber!

    I'm a new follower. I found you through Kat @ A Myrida of Books.

    You have such a BEAUTIFUL blog!!! I would certainly give you an award, if you were accepting them! But I know what you mean about awards. I'm thinking of putting up a new "awards policy" on my blog, because I already have four, and can't do them anymore. It's nice to get one, but the rules that accompany them are very time-consuming. So I know where you're coming from! have some great reads in your IMM! Gotta check them out!

    Have a great day! : )

    Maria @

  17. nice haul. I have to say, the thing that really bugs me about the passion cover is her odd smile. It's too wrinkly or something, which sounds insanely nit picky, but they had a lot to compete with after the first two stunning covers.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Awesome mailbox! Oooh Hourglass...just about every review I've read of that one has been positive. Hope you enjoy!

  19. Wow! Great mailbox this week. Fateful sounds really good but I think I'll wait for some reviews before I decide to really pick it up. Happy reading.

  20. WOW so many wonderful titles. I've read amazing things about Hourglass and Eve...hope they're as good as they look. Enjoy all of your goodies.

  21. Wow, so many awesome books! 'Werewolf Titanic'-- Fateful-- sounds very good indeed. Girl Wonder looks great as well. Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by my IMM earlier! :)

  22. Great set! Fateful sounds very interesting. Queen of the Dead was really good.
    My IMM

  23. SQUEEE!!! Imaginary Girls AND Uncommon Criminals! You lucky girl you!!!! I'm also really curious to read Hourglass. All the reviews I've been reading make it sound really good and unique. Enjoy all your books! :)

    Julia @ That Hapa Chick

  24. I really enjoyed Uncommon Criminals. Great books this week, Amber! Enjoy :)

  25. I love the UnRequired Reading that they are doing, so cute! I'm getting ready to start Uncommon Criminals right now, hope it's as good as Heist Society!! You had an AMAZING week this week!!! (PS Get to Hourglass ASAP!! So good!)

  26. Ohh, loved your IMM! Awesome books you got there! Hope you enjoy them all!
    New follower :)

    Em ~ Book Angel


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!