Sunday, May 29, 2011

In My Mailbox (39)

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

From Books-A-Million:
Don't forget to cast your vote for your favorite YA guy!

What's in your mailbox this week?


  1. All three look very good, but I especially want Beauty Queens! It looks so shiny. Happy reading! :)

    Here's my IMM!

  2. Great books, Forgotten and Starcrossed look really good :)

  3. I've been hearing good things about Beauty Queens! For some reson, I can't buy it! Something holds me back.
    Here's my IMM:

  4. Starcrossed and Forgotten are amazing! They are two of my favourite 2011 reads so far :) And Beauty Queens looks awesome, I absolutely adored the Gemma Doyle series so I can't wait to read that! Happy reading!

  5. You got some great books this week. I've heard Starcrossed is good and I can't wait to read it. Happy Reading

    Ange @ Moonlight Reader

    My IMM:

  6. Starcrossed and Forgotten! I'm coming over to your house right now! :-D

  7. I was Supposed to get Forgotten this week too, but haven't received it yet... I've heard great things about Beauty Queens!

  8. I'm really excited about Forgotten! It sounds so great!

  9. I am dying to read Forgotten, I am in the process of reading Beauty Queens and it is pretty funny so far, and Starcrossed in my opinion was amazing! I hope you enjoy them all! =o)

  10. Lovely books! I want Starcrossed and Forgotten, too!

    Happy reading Amber!! :)

  11. And you are going to want to read Starcrossed soon because it is wonderful!

  12. I'm definitely intrigued by 'Forgotten'. Enjoy your books! =)

  13. Yay I got Starcrossed this week too! I loved The Gemma Doyle trilogy and Going Bovine so am dying to read Beauty Queens. Enjoy :)

  14. Really looking forward to what you'll think of Forgotten. Enjoy!

  15. I just ordered Starcrossed. It sounds so great!
    Happy reading! :D

    Giada M.

  16. beauty queens!!! i so love the cover of that and i am so looking forward to read your thoughts about this book... happy reading!

    here's mine:

  17. I'd love to read Beauty Queens! I just finished Starcrossed and it was really good, just push through the first couple of chapters. I promise it get's better! Happy Reading :)

  18. I really wanna get Starcrossed. Beauty Queens looks like a fun book. Looking forward to your review for it!

    Here's mine:

  19. I got Beauty Queens at BEA, and I hear it's super fun. I can't wait to try it. Enjoy your books! :)

  20. All books I can't wait to read. Beauty Queens is getting such fun reviews, it looks great!

    Our Mailbox is at BookSake.


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