Sunday, April 10, 2011

In My Mailbox (32)

In my mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren that encourages other book bloggers to share what they bought, won, begged for or borrowed. It is usually held on Sundays!

From the publisher:

From Books-A-Million:
What did you get in your mailbox?


  1. Supernaturally! The Vespertine! O. M. G!!! YOU LUCKY DUCK! *keels over and dies* And I'm super-excited about Darklight, too. :)

    Here's my IMM.

  2. Oh my gosh, you're so lucky you got Supernaturally! I can't wait for it! I'm hoping you're loving it so far!! Happy Reading Amber! :)

  3. I really liked Shadow Hills! Enjoy!


  4. Cool IMM this week! I heard a lot of great things from City of Fallen Angels! Can't wait for your review on it!
    Check out my IMM this week:

  5. So need to get Vespertine. I keep waiting to see it on a shelf somewhere, so that I just have to buy it. Need to just Amazon it.

    If you get a chance, stop by my IMM

  6. SUPERNATURALLY! So jealous! Can't wait to hear what you think about it :)

  7. Shadow Hills is one of my favorites---love that book! Hope you enjoy it, too. I have the Hollow and haven't read it either! I'm dying to read Vespertine, need to go pick up a copy soon.

    Happy reading, Amber!

  8. Oh what a great mailbox! I think I have all those on my wish list :) Hope you enjoy them all!

  9. Great books this week. Enjoy!

  10. 'The Vespertine' wasn't my favourite, but I did like it. The writing is absolutely beautiful.

    Ooh, Mortal Instruments... I expect to see that one in a lot of people's mailboxes this week. I've been reading all Cassie Clare's books over the past week or so, haha.

  11. Oh wow! You are a lucky duck! I cannot wait to get my hands on both The Vespertine and Supernaturally.

    Melissa @ SheShines

  12. I've got my The Vespertine waiting beautifully on my shelf!


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