Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cover Envy (9)

It's that time of week again! I'm showing another couple of covers that make me green with envy and stuck sitting on my hands until the novels they cover come out.

I hope you enjoy!

Taking Off by Jenny Moss- This cover is so whimsical. I love that the model is staring off into the night sky and that she is placed off center so that the focal point is drawn to this beautiful blue sky. The green grass, winding yellow road and what looks like the back of a beat-up red pick-up truck really work nice to offset the somewhat formal white dress she is wearing. It gives off just the right bit magical elegance. The lighter blue sky instead of inky black to a great job of keeping this cover bright and I love the way the title mimics the shooting star.

The summary from Goodreads:

A high school senior, who wants to be a poet and is caught up in a romantic triangle, meets Christa McAuliffe before the space shuttle Challenger accident.

Taking Off is out January 4, 2011.

Slice of Cherry by Dia Reeves- Or as I like to call it, Dexter for YA. This cover is pure genius. It incorporates teacups to evoke some of the childhood whimsy while using the blood to show how very grown up this book actually is. The white background does a great job of showcasing the deep red blood though if i didn't know better, I'd think this might be a vampire novel since teacups are for drinking. I love the bright colors and happy designs on the teacups for that added jab of girly meets deadly. I think white is becoming trendy for covers and I have to say, I'm loving the new look!

The summary from Goodreads:

Happiness is a bloody knife.

Kit and Fancy Cordelle are sisters of the best kind: best friends, best confidantes, and best accomplices. The daughters of the infamous Bonesaw Killer, Kit and Fancy are used to feeling like outsiders, and that’s just the way they like it. But in Portero, where the weird and wild run rampant, the Cordelle sisters are hardly the oddest or most dangerous creatures around.

It’s no surprise when Kit and Fancy start to give in to their deepest desire—the desire to kill. What starts as a fascination with slicing open and stitching up quickly spirals into a gratifying murder spree. Of course, the sisters aren’t killing just anyone, only the people who truly deserve it. But the girls have learned from the mistakes of their father, and know that a shred of evidence could get them caught. So when Fancy stumbles upon a mysterious and invisible doorway to another world, she opens a door to endless possibilities....

Find Slice of Cherry on shelves near you on January 4, 2011.


  1. Hey, just a note to say I have included you in an award post at my blog.


    PS, did check to see if you are "award free" so I hope I didn't miss it in some fine print somewhere.

  2. Slice of Cherry sounds amazing and really new kind of concept for me! Can't wait!

  3. Love the cover for Taking Off! I admit, it was what made me add the book to my wish list. haha
    And I love those teacups on Slice of Cherry! So cute.

  4. The Cherry cover is brilliant!! I love it :)
    pure genius, and you nailed it with the Dexter comparison.

    Thanks for putting my contest on your linky sidebar.

  5. Oh, I love both these covers, especially the second :)

  6. I love the Slice of Cherry cover! Very cool. Also, you won an award! check it out here: http://seescootread.blogspot.com/2010/10/cherry-on-top-award.html


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!