Thursday, October 28, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (12): October 29- 31st

The book blog hop is hosted by Jennifer over at Crazy For Books. The idea behind it is to link up your blog and check out others who did the same!

I want to welcome everyone stopping by from the Hop!

I'm a 23-year-old aspiring YA novelist and on my blog it's all about YA novels, writing and movies! I'm really excited to be meeting everyone! Feel free to have a look around my blog!

This week's question:

What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?

I would love to have my own library. I'm saving up money to convert two closets into bookshelves and to buy some black and white furniture to have the best library in this part of town! I'll post photos when this happens (should be a few months). My book will thanks me. They've been on the ground for too long!

  • YA Love Triangle Week start November 1st! Drop buy and cast your votes each day and enter in a grand prize drawing!


  1. Great answer! Seems like everyone is building there own library. I picked something different even thought I'm a librarian. Derrr.

    Hope you come by and see my answer!

  2. The library is the hit answer! That's what I would droooool over!! :)

    Here's my Hop: Coffee and a Book Chick -- Blog Hop...

  3. Happy HOP! I think the wish i'd want if there was no restrictions would be to own my own bookstore :) Enjoy your weekend

    Hope you HOP by for a visit

  4. Happy weekend. My bookish wish involves a remodel. Here's what I'd do if I had the time and money.

  5. I want my own library too. I recently got a new bookshelf and hope to get some more because I need space!
    I am an old follower.
    My Hop

  6. Following the mechanical bunny around... old follower :D :D

    Anything bookish... A library at my fingertips at all times. Luckily I have my Nook :D

    Sorry no post for hopping tonight but I have a new book review up.

    Mad Scientist

  7. hi hopping over from the book blog hop and waiting in anticipation for the results of the spooktacular book blog giveaway hop (that was a mouthfull lol)

  8. Here from the Hop. Check another one off on the "my own library" list. :) Although I only fantasize - I like how you're actually working to make your library happen!

    Stop by my blog to check out our new Friday Wish-list Hop.

  9. I definitely want to see your bookshelves when your done!

  10. Can't wait to see the pics of your library. :) Sounds like a cool project. I too want an in-house library. Right now I just have two overflowing bookshelves instead. It would be wonderful to have more space!

  11. Hiya, just hopping by~!

    I agree, an in-home library would be awesome. But it looks like your dream might actually come true! That's so cool!

    I'm an old follower. :)
    Lauren | 365 Days of Reading

  12. Ooh, the black and white theme would be so cool! :]

    Have an awesome weekend, Amber! Can't wait for YA Love Triangle Week!

  13. My answer was a personal library as well. I think that's a very popular one :D Yours actually sounds do-able though! Awesome.

  14. Ha, my own book wish is so simple... I just want a beautiful and easy to use bookmark that I won't lose. I can't tell you how often I'm reduced to using a random scrap of paper, or even an old receipt as a bookmark.

    Can't wait to see your photos of your new mini home library!

  15. My bookish wish is to give the YA section in my public library a complete makeover. Make it youth friendly and inviting. Give them a place to hang out, read and chat. Update titles and replace old ones.

  16. I can't wait to see photos! It sounds wonderful!

    Check out my Follow Friday, Blog Hop and Giveaway HERE!

  17. Great blog! I'm visiting from the blog hop. And following, of course.

    If you want to return the favor, I'm The Book Frog.


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!