Friday, October 15, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (10): October 15-18, 2010

The book blog hop is hosted by Jennifer over at Crazy For Books. The idea behind it is to link up your blog and check out others who did the same!

I want to welcome everyone stopping by from the Hop!

I'm a 23-year-old aspiring YA novelist and on my blog it's all about YA novels, writing and movies! I'm really excited to be meeting everyone! Feel free to have a look around my blog!

This week's question:

When you're reading a book you just can't get into, do you stick it out and keep reading or move onto the next?

I'll usually stick it out unless the book is REALLY bad. I've only ever given up one book that I can remember and I felt bad about it. 

What about you?

  • Check out my YA Love Triangle Week. I need one more poster for Team Bill and would like to round off the week with 2 MORE love triangles in YA Fiction. Got a favorite couple you don't see? Email me to add it. I believe that the week will run November 1-7. Tune back in and see guest posters argue for you're favorite guys, ENTER GIVEAWAYS, and see all new author interviews!
  • Enter my Hold Still Giveaway!


  1. Yeah... I try to finish the books I read, too. Since starting my book blog, I only read one book that I didn't finish. I don't feel that bad, though, because it was that bad (I'm kind of annoyed about spending money on it, though).

  2. Happy hop! I'm quite like you...I do my very best to read the full book, no matter what...even if it's bloody awful haha :)

  3. I completely understand! If the book is a loaner from a friend or the library, I don't have an issue saying goodbye, but if it was a gift or I bought it myself, the guilt rolls in. . .

    Happy Reading!


  4. Hi Amber! <3 Just hoppin' on by to give some love! :D

    I totally agree with you - I usually try to stick it out through any book I read. I like giving books a fair chance, and sometimes a book may be a late bloomer. Or other times, I just CAN'T not finish reading a book because I'll feel incomplete. I stuck out an ENTIRE SERIES because it would have felt weird not finishing it (and the ending sucked and I hated it and I want to burn its books =p)

  5. I just saw that awesome button and added it to my sidebar- so cool and I'm really excited!

    And I feel pretty much the same way, I hardly ever give up on books...

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Oooh, what's the one book you gave up on?!

    Check out my Blog Hop and Follow Friday HERE!

  7. I was tagged on my blog and I've now tagged you :) Come and check out the post:

    love to see your answers too :D


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