Saturday, October 9, 2010

100 Follower Giveaway Winners!

First off, I want to thank everyone who entered my giveaway. The response was overwhelming and I couldn't be more grateful.

If you didn't win, make sure to hop on over to my Hold Still Giveaway going on right now and stay tuned as I'll be announcing new giveaways in the very near future!

So here are the number of US entries with all the extra points:

The 1st place winner of the US contest is:

Kristina Barnes- Her extra entries helped her win the signed City Of Glass, a nifty bookmark and the book of her choice out of the three I was offering.

The 2nd place winner of the US contest is:

Heather Rosdol- Again, it was her extra entries that helped her win! She will win the two books that 1st place doesn't pick!

Here are the entries for the International contest:

The winner is:

Liberty Gilmore- She will receive a book of her own choosing from the Book Depository.

Thanks so much for entering and congrats to the winners!


  1. LOL I was so close!! Haha, well better luck next time :D Congrats to the winners!

  2. Congrats - my name was right under hers :) LOL


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