Thursday, September 16, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (6): September 17-20, 2010

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy for books . The whole idea behind it is to link up your blog and check out others who did the same!

For those of you stopping by from the Hop, I want to say welcome!

Feel free to have a look around my site. I'm 23 year old aspiring novelist and on this site, it's all about YA, writing, and movies! Please, let me know if you've followed me and leave a comment so I can return the favor. I love hopping around new book sites and seeing what's going on! I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone!
This week's question is:

In honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, let's take time this week to honor our favorite book bloggers and why we love them!

I love so many bloggers but off the top of my head I'll give 5:
  1. Tina from Book Couture
  2. Alissa from The Grammarian's Reviews
  3. Danielle from Every Last Page
  4. Melissa from i swim for oceans
  5. Julie from That's Swell, Reel Swell Productions
Five non-book blogs I love are:
  1. Feliza from Nerd Alert!
  2. C.E. from The Journey.
  3. Jill from Jill Wheeler
  4. Carrie from Carrie Harris
  5. E.J. from From the Shadows
As I said, I love all the blogs I follow. These are just off the top of my head for their amazing posts or insightful reviews or their participation in the blogging community or all three!

What should I be looking for on your blog? Any good reviews, giveaways or posts you're particularly proud of?

If you're a follower (old or new) make sure to check out my 100 Follower Contest!


  1. Happy hop day! I still love the Alice in Wonderland theme! :) I hope your writing is going well! ♥ Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. thanks for stopping by my blog! new follower :) and i love your url, so creative!

  3. Happy Hop !! I'm with you on liking alot of blog sites. I visit alot every week and it's hard to choose from all of them. Hope you have a great weekend full of reading :)

    Come by my HOP for this week

  4. Just hopping by! Will be checking out your links :) Happy weekend!

  5. Just hopping by. We are all ready followers and btw... did you add a new header? Looks GREAT!! Have a good weekend!

  6. ♥ ♥ Aw, you are planting a big silly grin on my face, Amber! Thank you so much!

  7. Hi, just wanted to say hi and hope you have a wonderful weekend. :)

  8. Hi Amber! Happy Friday:) I love your blog and am already a follower, I just wanted to stop by and say I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  9. awww thank you so much for the mention! you're too sweet! your blog has seriously become a favourite of mine, and I look forward to checking out your posts every day!

    Have a brilliant weekend :)

  10. Just hopping by to say hello! I am following and can’t wait to read more from your blog. Here is my blog

    I have listed a few of my fave post on my HOP/follow friday post

  11. Just hopping by to say hello. Great visual blog.

  12. Thanks so much for mentioning me! I hope you have a great weekend and I am excited to see who wins your giveaway! :)

  13. I follow From the Shadows too!

    I found your blog through the blog hop!

    Here is mine:

  14. Those are some great book blogs, and great idea mentioning non book blogs!

  15. Stopping by from the Hop.

    Wicked header; I love it.


  16. First off, your blog name and design are awesome! I'm in love with Alic in Wonderland. Also, I really love i swim for oceans. Her Friday meme is awesome! I'll be following to see what you post next!

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile
    Wicked. Sexy. Books.

  17. Hi! Found you via the Hop and so glad I did! new follower

  18. Hopping by...have a fun hop this weekend.

    Find my answer to the question about my favorite blogs at:

  19. Hi, returning from the hop. Your background is awesome. Have a great weekend.


  20. Aw, thank you so much for thinking to list my blog. :]

  21. Hey! Thanks for hopping by. I'm returning the favor and I hope you have a great weekend! Happy reading!

  22. Just returning your hop, Amber! Yep, we follow a lot of the same book blogs :D

  23. Hey! I'm returning the hop! Those are some great choices for lovable blogs! :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  24. Just hopping by to say have a great weekend!

  25. I'm hopping by again! I'm already a follower of your wonderful blog! Oh, and I like your new header.
    Have a fabulous weekend and stop by my blog if you'd like! I have a few new reviews up.

  26. Book Blogger Hopper here. I love the concept and execution of your blog!

    What should you look for/expect on my blog?



  27. Hopping by to say have a great Sunday!

  28. Hi just hopping on by! I'm a brand new follower... nice header!


  29. Just hopping by to say Hi. Please check out my website. and check out my polland my Water for Elephants book giveaaway.

  30. Hey! I'm a bit behind on the Hop, but I really wanted to make the rounds and check out everyone suggestions!

    (I also love that you did non-book bloggers!)

    Check mine out here:


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!