Thursday, September 2, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (5): September 3-6, 2010

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy For Books. The whole idea behind it is to link up your blog and check out others who did the same!

For those of you stopping by from the Hop, I want to say welcome!

Feel free to have a look around my site. I'm 23 year old aspiring novelist and on this site, it's all about YA, writing, and movies! I'm really big into following people and (since I have a lot of free time currently) I'm always reading posts and commenting! I can't wait to meet you all!
This week's question is:

Do you judge a book by its cover?
Heck yes, I judge a book by its cover! I have whole posts devoted to Cover Envy where I share what books I'm excited about based on their covers. Nothing makes me stop for a book more than its cover. It's your first impression. However, I will read books with bad covers just to see if I'm missing anything and beautiful covers can disappoint. The wonderful thing about YA right now is that there are a lot of books with beautiful, inventive covers! Some covers I'm in love with:


A couple things to look out for:
  • When I get 100 followers, I will be hosting a 100 Follower Giveaway and the winner will get a SIGNED copy of City Of Glass by Cassandra Clare. There will be a few other prizes announced when the post goes up! Help me get there!


  1. I'm your newest follower :) Please stop by if you get a chance:

    I'm hosting a contest, and Wither is one of the prises :)

  2. New follower from the Blog Hops. Have a great weekend.

  3. I'm visiting from the blog hop and am a new follower. The book covers you have chosen are definitely beautiful.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi there!

    I'm visiting from the blog hop and one of your newest followers :) I love the title of your blog and agree, covers of books are so very important. Feel free to check my blog out in your spare time,

  5. Happy Hop!! I judge a book by it's cover but i try really hard not to. I love the covers you showed. The matched one is an instant eye catcher.

    Hope you Hop by my site

  6. Stopping by from the Blog Hop and decided to follow you. Love the name of your blog!

  7. Hi! I found you through the hop and I'm now following you. I can see that we review the same genre of books! Looking forward to reading your reviews!

    If you want you can visit my blog. Have a nice day!

    Fragments of Life

  8. Just hopping by!! Hope you have a great weekend! Great background! I love it!


  9. Your blog gets cuter and cuter every time I visit. Do we judge blogs by their appearance? Yours would get an A!

  10. Just hopping by to say hello. I am a new follower. While I enjoy a lovely cover, I still prefer a great story and interesting characters. Happy reading!

  11. I agree...Halo and Wither have especially beautiful covers.
    My Hop

  12. Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog and it's name--so cute! I'm your newest follower. :)

    And I am in love with every single cover you posted, as well!

    Bree's Books

  13. Hi! Great answer, and I love the covers you displayed... especially "Matched". I may have to add that to my want list!

  14. Great answer! and I love the artwork on your site! found you through the hop, I love that thing! I do some YA stuff, feel free to stop by anytime!

  15. Stopping by on the hop even though I am an old follower. Still love your blog.


  16. Just over from the hop, am a new follower, love the covers!

  17. Found you hopping :) Now a follower!!
    I love your blog background!!!!!

    Please stop by and check out my answer:

  18. Adorable blog! I was hopping by and guess what...I just became your 100th follower! CONGRATS! :)

    A Fanatic's Book Blog

  19. Hey there! Just returning the hop! I'm also an old follower just coming through to say hi! Congrats on reaching 100 followers!


  20. Hopping by to say hi! Love the cover for Halo.

  21. Hurricane- Two months? Did you live on a hidden street or Down the rabbit hole? Could the electric company not find you? My God, Florida without power for that long, I'd have to find somewhere else to live. My dogs would die. You are a trooper. Thanks for your concern. I'm going to read your interview now.


  22. just hopping by to say, hi.
    kelly bookend diaries

  23. 'yay ! You have 100 Followers :)

    Love your cover samples, I also did a cover related post in honor of this question on the hop.
    e-Volving Books

  24. Those are some great covers you picked out, I can't wait for Matched! I just hope it lives up to all the hype that is being generated over it. I went ahead and put up my new writing blog. I hope you have a great labor day weekend!


  25. Hey Amber, thanks for dropping by! I have to say I love that Entwined cover. Actually all the covers you picked are pretty gorgeous :)

  26. another new follower who found you from the blog hop. I totally have to agree, on those coveres, both "Matched" and "Halo" caught my radar based on those beautiful covers.

    Reading is Dreamy

  27. Yes, I do judge the book by its cover. There are just so many wonderful covers out there not to analyze. Don't you love/hate it when a cover has, like, zilch to do with the novel?

  28. Hello! Just stopping by from the hop! Thanks for visiting my page. Yours looks really cool, and I'm a new follower! :)

  29. HI! Saw you on the Book Blogger Hop and thought I'd hop by. New follower.

  30. Found you via the blog hop - its my first week - love your blog background X

  31. Hi! I also judge books by it's cover. Look at those wonderful covers you posted above, I want to read them all. They are so pretty!

  32. Hiya! New to blog hop, so thought I'd stop by and say hi!
    I love the Matched cover too! Entwined is just gorgeous...will have to look that one up!!

  33. I know I've been here before, but for some reason, I didn't have your feed on my reader. That's fixed now! Can't wait to come back for new content. Found you via the Hop, BTW.

  34. Hi there, I saw your blog on Crazy for Books. I don't have a book review blog going on, but I do LOVE books. I read extensively and avidly. I came by to become your newest follower. I hope that's okay.

    Looking forward to reading more of your reviews.

    Marie (hope you'll come by for a visit sometime)
    The Things We Find Inside

  35. Wow. Great blog! This may sound stupid, but is that you in the background? LOL.

    I am now your newest follower. if you would like to return the favor I would be forever grateful :D

    Ashley's Bookshelf

  36. Hi there, just hopping by and have become a follower :) Looking forward to reading more of your reviews!

  37. found you on the hop. i love pretty covers too!

  38. Thank you for stopping by! It's true that covers are what lure us in, but after that it's up to the author to keep us there! Covers aren't everything, but they do mean something.
    Have a great day!

  39. I'm your newest follower! Great blog design and concept. I'm really looking forward to reading more. Hope you can find time to visit my blog. You picked some great covers to make your point.

    Thanks and Happy Reading!

  40. Hi this is my first hop. Its so much fun. I will participate more. Come visit me at


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!