Saturday, September 18, 2010

100+ Followers Giveaway

It's time to have a tea party and you are ALL invited. I wanted to do something to thank all of my wonderful followers so I decided to hold a giveaway which I hope everyone will enjoy.

Please keep your eyes on this post as things might magically appear during the length of this contest depending on what I see and decide to grab at upcoming book store visits. So I imagine everyone would like to see what is up for grabs!

For my US residents:

  • Signed City of Glass (HB) by Cassandra Clare
  • Gamer Girl by Mari Mancusi
  • Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison
Just added:
  • 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher
First Place will get the SIGNED Cassandra Clare novel, one other novel of their choice and a "Zombies hate that you are so awesome" bookmark.

Second Place will get the left over book.

But wait, what about my international followers? Yup, there's something for you too! For ONE lucky international follower, I will buy a novel of their choice from The Book Depository not to exceed $15.00. As long as they ship to you, you are eligible to enter!  

The more followers I get, the more likely I'll be adding extra prizes!

So now to the rules:

  • The first contest is open only to US residents and the second portion is open only to International followers.
  • Open only to ages 13 & up
  • You must be a follower since this is a follower's thank you contest
  • Make sure you fill out the correct form below
  • The winners will have 3 days to email me back before forfeiting their prize
  • I'll be drawing winner from an online randomizer 
  • This contest will be over at 11:59 on October 8, 2010
Good luck to everyone!
Because of the great response I've had for this contest, I'm adding a book for the US contest!

  • 13 Reasons Why (HB) by Jay Asher
  • 1 "Zombies hate that you are so awesome" bookmark

The US Form:

The International Form:


  1. Hey Amber, awesome contest...although you're nearer the 150 mark now! :D

    *Gulps* I accidentally entered the US one, could you please delete my entry?

    Just thought I'd let you know: there seems to be a problem with the International one: you can only select one extra entry (tweet this, side bar, blog posts, etc).


  2. I entered both, as I am Australian, but I have a US address too. Hope that's okay! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  3. Tina, thanks for letting me know. Anyone who signed up for the international portion of this contest, I have fixed it so you can select more than one way to promote my contest and net yourself more entries!

  4. Awesome giveaway! You're so generous! Hey, if you would like, I can try to help you resize the entry forms so they fit within your blog size! Let me know :)

    Oh, and congratulations on so many followers!

  5. I try to enter the international form but it's not working I don't see the end of the form :S

  6. Wonderful contest! Congrats on 100+ followers!

  7. I accidentally filled out the wrong form. I filled out international. I also filled out the US only. Could you please delete my name off of the International list?

    Also don't forget to check out my amazing giveaways located at the top of my blog posts.

    Ashley's Bookshelf

    PS: I also sell complete blog designs. An example would be like my blog design now. If you are interested then please email me :D

  8. congrats on the followers! thank you for the contest!

  9. Thanks for including international contestants! Have entered using everything I could hehe


  10. Thanks for the giveaway! And thanks for making a international one :D

    Almost 170 followers! Gratz!

  11. Thanks for the chance to win! And congrats on all of your followers! :)

  12. congrats on your 100 (now 193!!) followers, that's crazy !thank for this giveaway (especially for the international part since i'm concerned! lol) 8D

  13. Sorry... I accidentally entered the US form. Could you please delete those entries? Thank you, and sorry for the confusion :(

  14. No problem Alessandra! I just deleted your entry from the US contest. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I'm unable to fill out the form. It is not scrolling down to allow me to submit. :(

    Black Disaster Fairy link to my blog post about your great giveaway!

  16. Great giveaway thank you very much and Congrats on followers :)

  17. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the followers!

  18. Awesome competition , Im a new follower and I love your website especially the pictures in the columns.

  19. Congrats on your followers! I just love Wonderland, great blog! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  20. Congrats and thank you for this chance! :D

  21. Thanks so much for the chance to win, and what great prizes!

    Hope you won't mind that I filled out both forms, because in case I win the US part I can provide the mailing address of a friend from there.
    If it's a problem, only take the international one in consideration. Thanks!


Thinking of writing something below? Well, that's why you are awesome! I always love feedback!

This blog is an award free zone. With the demand of a full time job, blogging time is becoming much more precious and I just don't have the time to meet the demands of awards. Thanks so much for thinking of me anyway!